Your well being is at stake. You need some good “comebacks”. You can obtain verbal skills online.
Check out and
BullyOnline is out of England. Read what a bullie does, his/her characteristics, how to recognize when you’re being bullied.
Taxi1010 is out of the U.S., a brother and sister team. He’s a San Francisco cab driver and is insulted daily. His sister is the artist (the links throughout the site are her art).
I’m a mom - our daughter is turning 15 in 3 mos. - and this is a topic that I can get real worked up over: peer pressure and harassment.
I survived the 1960’s and it was very hard because I didn’t smoke pot or take LSD. My friends and acquaintenances would get into conversations like, “Man, we were up smokin’ pot all night . . .” It may sound corny but some of my friends would look up to me, saying things like, “How do you do it? You’re really strong.” I hung out because I loved the fun and the music. :dancing:
But in your case, you’ve got a daily onslaught of verbal abuse! Honest!
Here are some things you can do. Find your school’s written policy regarding behavior. It’s in the school’s ‘student handbook’.
If these kids are talking dirty, remind them - one-on-one - that your school district has rules about language. Let your parents “take the heat” – we tell that to our daughter all the time. Tell your friends that if your parents caught you talking like that you wouldn’t be allowed to hang out with them.
We’ve advised our daughter to stay away from groups of kids because they get caught up in back-stabbing, gossip, and being mean. Choose to hang out with one friend at a time.
If you are really bugged and disgusted, you may need to spend less time with these folks to remain your authentic self. After a while, your anger will build and build - you may want to get some assertiveness training. :ehh:
Have you tried carrying around a paperback novel or a serious magazine, like National Review. Just have it available to pick up, start reading, to shut them out?
Just be reading all the time.
Does your school have clubs that meet weekly? Pick one that sounds safe. Anything with the phrase “diversity” or “cultural” will be very biased.
Spend one lunch hour a week at a school club meeting.
Our daughter joined the Republican Club on campus and they’re conservative, pleasant teens. If you don’t have one, call the GOP and tell them you want to start one on campus. There is also a club with a connection to the Rotary. Plus, a club that connects with Habitat for Humanity and does a community service project.