Immunizations....What They DIDN'T tell me

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Right off I have to say that I am FOR immunizations in general, they can be a good thing for a child and I was willing to get my daughter any that she NEEDED.

But yesterday I took my 1 year-old to the doctor, and I found out that they have been giving her PREVNAR.

Have any of you ever heard of this drug? Do you know what it does? It’s supposed to be to prevent pneumonia, but it doesn’t have much effectiveness compared to other pneumonia vaccines. In fact, it hasn’t been tested very much at all. It was only invented in 2000!!! Our kids are the lab rats, I guess. The only thing this drug has shown any use for is preventing ear aches, and it might CAUSE cancer!

Because it is made with chemicals that have high mutinogenic potential, and NO studies have EVER been done to see if it causes cancer, now I’m flipping out. The only tests that have been done showed a high death rate for children immediately after they took it. So how the heck did this get on the market?

How could a doctor give this to my child without even telling me what it was!!!

Please, ASK your doctor what he is giving your child, don’t be stupid like I was!!! Doctors are NOT God.
The downside to the internet is that anyone witha keyboard can make the most ludicrous accustaions without the slightest bit of PROOF to back them up. Just because it is in print does not make it true.

Just because a drug came on the market in 2000 does nbot make your child a lab rat. That drug ran the gammit of tests before it hit the shelves. Most drugs they create never make it to m,arket becuase either then did not work like they were supposed to or were unsafe. That’s why we pay more to provide the money to research new drugs the overwhelming number of which will not work or be safe and DO NOT go to market. We are so lucky though that antibiotics, heart meds etc. have been developed and ARE SAFE. Life is better today with the drug companies and their products then previously in human history
Prevnar is for streptococcus pneumonia, a common cause of bacterial meningitis. It also causes some pneumonias and ear infections. Meningitis is VERY SCARY. You should try to be discerning of the web sources of your information. So don’t just listen to me (some doofus from from hte internet) but investigate other sources.
I think you have it mixed up with a different vaccine. There are several, older types of vaccines for pneumonia and meningitis that HAVE been tested thoroughly and ARE safe and effective.

I find it INCREDIBLY hard to believe that this vaccine “ran the gammit” of tests in less than 5 years! That wouldn’t even be possible.

My daughter got it last year, and it only came out on the market officially in 2001. The information I found is straight from the manufacturer’s label. They have never tested it for potential cancer-causing effects, and the tests they did run showed a high mortality rate within 3 months after administration.

Again, there are HUNDREDS of safe, tested vaccines against pneumonia. This is not one of them. So don’t just blindly trust your doctor and drug company. For one thing they are both out to make money.
Right off I have to say that I am FOR immunizations in general, they can be a good thing for a child and I was willing to get my daughter any that she NEEDED.

But yesterday I took my 1 year-old to the doctor, and I found out that they have been giving her PREVNAR.

Have any of you ever heard of this drug? Do you know what it does? .
I have not heard of this…

Have you heard that the immunization for ChickenPox is made from the blood of aborted babies??

We must make sure our Doctors tell us the truth and let them know that we KNOW the truth.
Here’s the 40 page FDA lable for Prevnar.

This pharmaceutical company ran the tests from 1995 to 1998. This was AFTER the laboratory testing prior. Some 37,000 children were vaccinated with either this innoculation or with a control.

There was another test done to study the effects of this innoculation on ear infections… again some 35,000 children were innoculated with this or a control.


the FDA approved it.

I pretty much trust the FDA. I know they have rigorous testing before they will even think about approving a drug. Considering the statistics involved, I would not have a problem vaccinating my child with Prevnar if we had persistent ear infections or were succeptible to pneumonia.

That said, I would be more ticked off that the doc is vaccinating my child for EVERY little childhood disease! My daughter has never had an ear infection, and ear infections do not run in the family. (Ditto with pneumonia). There would be no logical reason for my child to have this vaccine.

Why can’t we just let the human body run it’s course for illnesses that have little or no chance of fatality?

I really didn’t want my daughter to have the Chicken pox vaccine. Our bodies work in such a way that it becomes more defensive, as it endures illness. I figured chicken pox was a little like a right of passage. (Again, our family does not have a history of terrible reactions when we have chicken pox). But the school won on that one :rolleyes: .

I believe we, as a society, tend to over-medicate. Our bodies are amazing! And there are definately some diseases that are just too terrible to endure and not seek vaccination. I can’t think of anything more pitiful and sad than a child with full blown whooping cough… A simple arm prick would have, at the very least, lessened the severity of the illness. And yet these babies work at every breath and endure minutes of coughing spasms because they were not innoculated.

I would not have the Prevnar vaccine, not because I don’t trust the science, or because I don’t trust the FDA, but because it would be an attempt by me to over-medicate my child.

Good thread.
Donna P:
I have not heard of this…

Have you heard that the immunization for ChickenPox is made from the blood of aborted babies??

We must make sure our Doctors tell us the truth and let them know that we KNOW the truth.
During the Rubella epidemic of 1964, some doctors advised pregnant women who were exposed to the disease to abort their children. The resulting virus strain became known in the science world as RA/27/3. R stands for Rubella, A stands for Abortus, 27 stands for the 27th fetus tested, and 3 stands for the 3rd tissue explant. In other words, there were 26 abortions prior to finding the right “species” with the active virus. The Rubella vaccine was then cultivated from the 27th aborted baby on the lung tissue of yet another aborted infant, WI-38. WI-38 (Wistar Institute 38) was taken from the lung tissue of an aborted baby at 3 months gestation in the 1960s. A second human cell line known as MRC-5 was derived from a male at 14 weeks gestation in the 1970s. These two aborted cell lines have been used to provide an ongoing source for many widely-used vaccines, including Hepatitis-A and chicken pox. [ ]( [/indent)

The original cells from the aborted fetus’ are long gone. But the cell lines are still propogated for the use in the development of these vaccines.
My 33 y/o brother died from an ear infection cause by strep pneumonia. He didn’t get this vaccination because it isn’t routinely given to adults unless there is a risk factor. He got an ear infection that turned into meningitis and he died. How we wish he had had this vaccination. Now everyone in my family has gotten the vaccination. My brother was a healthy person who didn’t really have a history of ear infections. A pound of cure might have prevented a ton of heartache.

I had the great opportunity to speak with someone who lived before routine vaccinations. She spoke of the fear parents lived in over the chance that their children would become infected. It really gave me a new appreciation for vaccinations.

We do take our current state of health for granted. Thank you for your insight. Wow. I’m gonna hug my son now.

Discussions of a complex medical bioethics nature should not be couched in absolutes, and participants should not base their medical decisions on Internet discussions. All participants are advised to consult with their family physicians and/or the National Catholic Bioethics Center.
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