Okay guys, I am in a conversation with some epople right now, and they claim to have all these Bible contradictions(as I will list below) He is waiting for an answer as to each of these. I was hoping somone could go through them and help me prepare a response.
Here they are
Here they are
Conflicting Accounts
(1) According to Mark, chapter 8, verse 12, Jesus says: “In truth, no sign shall be given (by me) to this generation (which refers to the generation of Jews who rejected his claims).” John chapter 12 verse 37 (cf. Acts chapter 2 verse 22) says, in evident contradiction, that Jesus gave “many signs” to this same disbelieving generation of Jews.
(2) Mark, chapter 6, verse 5 says that Jesus “could do no miracle” on at least one occasion. The word is could (not would) which means it was not possible for Jesus to perform a miracle at that time. But Mark, chapter 10, verse 27 says just the opposite, that “with God all things are possible.” Hence, Jesus is eliminated as a god.
(3) In John, chapter 5, verse 31, Jesus supposedly says: “If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true.” But a little later he reportedly exclaims: “Even if I bear witness of myself, yet my witness is true (John 8:14).” Furthermore, to make matters even more confused and conflicted, this passage was added to the Christian Bible in the sixth century. It is first found in a paper called “Liber Appologeticus” in the fourth century. It is noted that the words are sixth century additions to the original text. The footnote in the Jerusalem Bible, a Catholic translation, says these words are “not in any of the early Greek manuscripts or in the earliest manuscripts of the Vulgate itself.” It is interesting that the Catholic church, who originally added this verse would admit now that it a spurious addition to the Greek Testament!
(4) It is supposedly the Last Supper. John, chapter 13, verse 36 has Peter ask Jesus: “Where are you going?” Then John, chapter 14, verse 5 has Thomas say to him: “We know not where you are going.” But John, chapter 16, verse 5, has Jesus reply: “None of you are asking me where I’m going!” Because Peter asked Jesus where he was going, it is very clear that Jesus has deliberately lied.
(5) In John, chapter 7, verse 38, Jesus reportedly says: “Scripture said: ‘From his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water’.” There is no such passage in the Hebrew Tanach or anything resembling it.
(6) Matthew 2:23 says that: “He came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, he shall be called a Nazarene.” There is no mention of this in the Ketuvim (the prophets). This narrated prophecy does not even exist! In the Old Testament (King James Version), the words “Nazareth” and “Nazarene” do not ever appear!
(7) John 17:12 mentions a “son of perdition” and says the “scriptures are being fulfilled.” There is no reference, however, to a “son of perdition” in the Tanach.
(8) Jesus says that it was Zechariah, son of Berechiah, who was killed in the Temple courtyard (Matthew 23:35). Apparently Jesus didn’t read the Bible very closely or he would have known it was another Zechariah, whose father was Jehoiada, who was killed there (II Chronicles 24:2-22).
(9) Regarding Jesus’ stepfather, was he Joseph son of Jacob son of Mattan son of Eliezer (Matthew 1:15-16) or Joseph son of Eli son of Mattat son of Levi (Luke 3:23-24)? And how can both sets of genealogical tables validly include Shealtiel and Zerubabbel (Matthew 1:12; Luke 3:27), given that both of these men are descendants of Jeconiah (1 Chronicles 3:16-19), of whom G-d has said: “No man of his seed shall prosper, sitting on the throne of David or ruling any more in Judah” (Jeremiah 22-30)?
(10) Was John the Baptist Elijah, as Jesus claimed (Matthew 11:14)? If so, why did John himself deny it (John 1:21)? Would “Elijah” have been so unsure of Jesus’ messianic identity (Luke 7:19-20)? And where in our Scriptures is it written that Elijah would be mistreated, as Jesus claimed (Mark 9:13)? Don’t our Scriptures indicate, to the contrary, that Elijah will be successful in his mission of restoring harmony among the people (Malachai 4:5-6)? Moreover, Mark 9:11-13 and Mark 6:16 declares that: “Elijah has come” and “It is John who I beheaded.” There is no indication from the Tanach that Elijah would be beheaded. I refer you, once again, to Malachai 4:5-6.
(11) Who’s to judge the sinner? According to Jesus in John, chapter 5, verse 22: “For the Father judges no man but has committed all judgment to the Son” (meaning Jesus himself). But, then Jesus contradicts himself; “I judge no man” (John 8:15) and “I did not come to judge the world (John 12:47).” So who did? Listen to Jesus this time: “You (disciples) shall judge the twelve tribes of Israel” (Matthew 19:28). Unfortunately, this contradicts Jesus’ original warning to them: “Not to judge, lest you be judged (Matthew 7:1).”