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hey, im always asking stupid questions, forgive me, but on the issue of cointraception, and you were the president of a country, would u do all u can to take it away?

And others say to me Africa is the land most infected by AIDS, and yet its the only one reallly dominated by the Vatican, not allowing contraception, can’t you make the connection?
I get stuck on that one.

Thank you for your loving replies, you’re all great people
hey, im always asking stupid questions, forgive me, but on the issue of cointraception, and you were the president of a country, would u do all u can to take it away?

And others say to me Africa is the land most infected by AIDS, and yet its the only one reallly dominated by the Vatican, not allowing contraception, can’t you make the connection?
I get stuck on that one.

Thank you for your loving replies, you’re all great people
I hope you’ll find your answer from this article which I copied from The Wanderer, April 21, 2005.

UN Population
Chief Lectures Vatican

NEW YORK - Thoraya Obaid, the head of the UN Population Fund, admonished the Vatican on April 11 to change its teachings on condoms. Speaking of the need for the Catholic Church to endorse condom use, she said, “We are hoping the new Pope will take this message further, because it makes no sense sending people to their death.” She urged the Church to adopt a “morally correct decision” on how to stop HIV.
Catholic League President William Donohue spoke to this issue: "Is there anyone on the planet who doesn’t know about the alleged wonders of condoms? Yet, it is indisputably true that as condom use has increased, so have sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). This is not to say that condom use causes STDs, but it is to say that condom use has not prevented the explosion in STDs. And this is because the same culture that prizes sexual license – in all its expressions – is morally incapable of sending a message of restraint.
"If Thoraya Obaid is truly concerned about HIV in Africa, she should get the UN to endorse the teachings of the Catholic Church on matters sexual. That is because the only real success story on that contingent is Uganda, a nation that has tailored its anti-HIV strategy to the wisdom of Catholic sexual ethics.
"According to Edward C. Green, a professor at the Harvard School of Public Health, ‘Basis behavioral changes in Uganda of 1987-1995 have kept HIV prevalence declining up until now.’ The reason why the progress that has been made is now in jeopardy has more to do with dropping the emphasis on abstinence, he says, in exchange for a mor condom-centered approach.
"Obaid is not only wrong on the issue, she is wrong on the cause of death due to AIDS. It is near impossible for anyone to die of AIDS (save for a blood transfusion) who follows the teachings of the Catholic Church on sexuality. It is not the Catholic Church that is causing Africans to die – not is it responsible for a new strain of HIV among homosexuals in New York City – it is behavioral recklessness.
hey, im always asking stupid questions, forgive me, but on the issue of cointraception, and you were the president of a country, would u do all u can to take it away?
Yes, absolutely I would.
And others say to me Africa is the land most infected by AIDS, and yet its the only one reallly dominated by the Vatican, not allowing contraception, can’t you make the connection?
I get stuck on that one.
Uganda is the only country to significantly eradicate the AIDS epidemic. And they did it with abstinence only education. Sounds like the Pope’s plan works when it is implemented. The rest of Africa, currently in epidemic, followed the USA’s “condom” plan.
hey, im always asking stupid questions, forgive me, but on the issue of cointraception, and you were the president of a country, would u do all u can to take it away?
Of course. The wide spread acceptance of that evil is what has ushered in the explosion of fornication, adultery, sodomy, divorce, abortion and sexually transmitted diseases.
And others say to me Africa is the land most infected by AIDS, and yet its the only one reallly dominated by the Vatican, not allowing contraception, can’t you make the connection?
I get stuck on that one.
The only connection I see is immorality that allows for sex outside of marriage that spreads the disease.
Thank you for your loving replies, you’re all great people
You are very welcome.
I agree with the above posts. The success of Uganda in reducing STD’s through abstinence education is an amazing success story. Yet one never sees it mentioned in the mainstream media.

The widespread availability of artificial birth control including condoms is always being touted as a way to reduce STD’s and abortion, but it has had the actual effect of increasing both.
Africa dominated by the Vatican?

Since when? Africa is a LOT of countries, and last I looked they were pretty secular in the majority.

And didn’t you see that Uganda (remember it under Idi Amin, shudder) is the country whose rates are falling because of abstinence based programs? If Africa is so dominated by the Vatican, then 1: Why aren’t there more “dominated” countries doing the same as Uganda? and 2: If Uganda is “dominated” by the Vatican, it seems as though “the Vatican” is doing a better job than anybody else, true?
This country is also supposed to be a separation of church and state and the Constitution also grants freedom of religion. Not everyone in this country is Christian and so it is not right to ban something simply because a president is Christian and disagrees with it.
This country is also supposed to be a separation of church and state and the Constitution also grants freedom of religion. Not everyone in this country is Christian and so it is not right to ban something simply because a president is Christian and disagrees with it.
Um… tell that to the slaves.
Tantum ergo:
Africa dominated by the Vatican??
BAHAHAHA no kidding? I guess we didn’t get the memo!
Tantum ergo:
Since when? Africa is a LOT of countries, and last I looked they were pretty secular in the majority.?
Or they have a local religion, or a tribal practice, not to mention the increase in Islam. I read an interesting book by an aid worker in Africa who sadly reported that Muslim villages have a high incidence of AIDS. Multiple wives, men who stray etc are a part of that culture. She told one really sad story where a man married his dead brother’s wife (as was required by their culture). The wife had contracted AIDS from her first husband. She then gave it to her second husband who spread it to his other wives (yes wives). Then the babies contracted it from their mom. It basically wiped out the entire family.

IOW the Vatican’s great domination is highly overrated. Aside from that doesn’t anyone else catch the little inconsistency; if the Vatican had such power over the actions of the populace they wouldn’t be practicing such risky behavior. Much of the AIDS is spread through prostitutes. Now if the Vatican can’t control their sexual behavior, why would it suddenly control use of condoms?
Tantum ergo:
And didn’t you see that Uganda (remember it under Idi Amin, shudder) is the country whose rates are falling because of abstinence based programs? If Africa is so dominated by the Vatican, then 1: Why aren’t there more “dominated” countries doing the same as Uganda? and 2: If Uganda is “dominated” by the Vatican, it seems as though “the Vatican” is doing a better job than anybody else, true?
AIDS is contracted through risky behavior. IF people truly followed Catholic teachings they wouldn’t be engaged in the kind of behavior that would give them AIDS in the first place. Of course there are the innocent wives and kids but again, it’s the males’ risky practices that spreads the disease.

Lisa N
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