I would argue that being dead to the world is less about ignoring or renouncing things of beauty or “nice things” (which aren’t always the same), and more about recognizing that the beauty inherent in any given thing is in our lives as a sign and reflection of the eternal beauty inherent in God. The problem is when people neglect their proper recognition of God as the source of good in any given thing, and instead look to that thing as good in and of itself. I generally think of being dead to the world not as being an ascetic or living in austerity, but as just living in such a way as to recognize that the material possessions we have are just that. God’s Love can be found in and expressed through these things, but these things should not be prized as an end themselves.
The reason it can be harder to live this way when one is surrounded by an abundance of goods is because these things can easily become distracting and begin to be treasured on their own apart from God. Several things one must keep in mind is that, for one, these things are just that. Things. Objects, and part of a fleeting, material, mortal world. The wealth we may or may not acquire on this earth is irrelevant once we get to Heaven, excepting how we use what wealth we have in service of others. Similarly, the physical goods we have are temporary. We don’t take them with us when we die, regardless how much sentimental value we may attach to them. As an example, I have a tendency to hoard birthday cards from my grandma. I won’t take those cards with me when I die, yet they’re important to me. However, their importance lies in the fact that they are a reminder of my grandma’s love for me, which is something I will take with me. The cards are not important, but rather what they mean and what they remind me of, and even if I lose them, the meaning would still be there. In that sense, our material goods should not be valued for their own sake, but rather with the understanding that they are a message of God’s love for us. If I woke up tomorrow and everything I have was destroyed or stolen or just disappeared, as upset as I would be, it truly wouldn’t matter in an eternal sense, as God’s love is still just as present as it always was.
Another poster mentioned Job. Job lost his possessions, his livelihood, and even his family. But he did not lose God. And for that reason, he was able to rejoice, and recognize that in having God, he had everything.