"In Essentials Unity..."

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I have heard it said countless times…

“In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity.”

My question then is, what are considered to be ‘essentials’ and what are considered to be ‘non-essentials?’

Cephas :hmmm:
The doctrinal and dogmatic teachings of the Church constitute the essentials. The best application of those teachings in our lives and in society can vary as long as the application does not, in itself, violate the teachings of the Church. 🙂
Everything in the Catholic faith is essential because it is to glorify God.
Thanks.i am aware of those things…my post was really questioning what our fellow separated brothers believe as essential and non-essential…
I have heard it said countless times…

“In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity.”

My question then is, what are considered to be ‘essentials’ and what are considered to be ‘non-essentials?’

Cephas :hmmm:
Peace Cephas…

I would say the essential faith is wrapped up in I Cor. 15. The whole chapter. But, then, I could be wrong. After all I am a Baptist.
Peace Cephas…

I would say the essential faith is wrapped up in I Cor. 15. The whole chapter. But, then, I could be wrong. After all I am a Baptist.
Cephas, what the “essentials” are is a matter of individual opinion in Protestantland. There are at least as many opinions about “essentials” as there are denominations – and that’s a heap.

Ahimsaman, what kind of Baptist are you? There are more than 250 Baptist denominations, all based on the same Bible, but all with different beliefs. Just curious, since I was a Baptist also.

Peace to you and to all who post at Catholic Answers.

Ex-Southern Baptist, ex-agnostic, ex-atheist, ecstatic to be Catholic!
Cephas, what the “essentials” are is a matter of individual opinion in Protestantland. There are at least as many opinions about “essentials” as there are denominations – and that’s a heap.

Ahimsaman, what kind of Baptist are you? There are more than 250 Baptist denominations, all based on the same Bible, but all with different beliefs. Just curious, since I was a Baptist also.

Peace to you and to all who post at Catholic Answers.

Ex-Southern Baptist, ex-agnostic, ex-atheist, ecstatic to be Catholic!
👋 Hello Kat,

I was born and raised a Southern Baptist until I moved away from the south 🙂 two years ago. I now belong to a Baptist Bible Fellowship church. It is conservative, but pretty much identical to my SB church back home. Not many SB’s in Iowa!

There are many different branches of Baptist. I wouldn’t categorize them as denoms. They are simply branches of the same practicing faith. Most adhere to the same core beliefs with a few on the edge who go off on their own. Most of the divisions are based on non-essential items like the type of music used in worship, what to spend money on, etc.

I’ve went through a period lately of being on the edge of atheism and agnosticism and even converting to Catholicism. I’m exploring the mountains and valleys of life and sorting through the mayhem piece by piece.

Peace to you…
I would say the essential faith is wrapped up in I Cor. 15.
I agree with ahimsaman. If you are looking for a succinct definition of what a Christian is, look to what St. Paul himself calls matters “of first importance.” Anyone who holds those beliefs and is baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (actually holding Trinitarian dogma) ought to be considered a brother in Christ, IMHO. That’s not to say that we oughtn’t be exhorting our brothers (both Catholic and separated) to greater holiness, but people who share in these essential beliefs should be treated as brothers and not adversaries.
I have heard it said countless times…

In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity.”

My question then is, what are considered to be ‘essentials’ and what are considered to be ‘non-essentials?’

Cephas :hmmm:
  1. The author of that well known phrase is most often attributed to St Augustine. However the true author was Rupertus Meldenius, in the 1600’s. It came out of the reformed theology.
  2. Defining essentials, and non essentials I think, requires an authoritative magesterium. Otherwise there is just endless opinion and debate.
  3. Therefore, to answer your question, I follow the Catholic Church, the pillar and foundation of truth. Through the catechism, Church documents, etc, I know I’m getting the essentials.
that’s my 2 cents.
I have heard it said countless times…

“In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity.”

My question then is, what are considered to be ‘essentials’ and what are considered to be ‘non-essentials?’

Cephas :hmmm:
Good Day, Cephas

That is Augustine I believe, would be interested of the context of that quote. It may help shed some light on what he seen as essentials vs things that were not.

Augustine on non essentials:

“And this opinion [premillennialism] would not be objectionable, if it were believed that the joys of the saints in that Sabbath shall be spiritual, and consequent on the presence of God; for I myself, too, once held this opinion.” (The City of God, 20:7)

Peace to u,

steve b said:
1. The author of that well known phrase is most often attributed to St Augustine. However the true author was Rupertus Meldenius, in the 1600’s. It came out of the reformed theology…

Good Day, Steve

The quote from Augustine is found in unity of the church based on my research, even thought it has yet to be translated to english.

  1. Defining essentials, and non essentials I think, requires an authoritative magesterium. Otherwise there is just endless opinion and debate…
I understand what you are saying here, but you think it requires x,y,z is that not an opinion?

  1. Therefore, to answer your question, I follow the Catholic Church, the pillar and foundation of truth. Through the catechism, Church documents, etc, I know I’m getting the essentials.
that’s my 2 cents.
You think… you know on what stanards do you come to such a opinion given the fact that you are infallible, thus could be in error with regurds to such things?

Peace to you,

bbas 64:
Good Day, Steve

The quote from Augustine is found in unity of the church based on my research, even thought it has yet to be translated to english.
I haven’t been able to find that quote in any English translation that I’ve checked so far. But I’ll be anxious to see your research.
bbas 64:
I understand what you are saying here, but you think it requires x,y,z is that not an opinion?
You missed the qualifying word “endless” that I put in front of debate.

bbas 64:
You think… you know on what stanards do you come to such a opinion given the fact that you are infallible, thus could be in error with regurds to such things?
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