In need of Christian Help!

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I am being attacked by Satan he is using my children, the court system, as well as my ex husband to try to get me to turn against my faith.

I am in a court battle in Massachusetts and the courts here are very liberal and not pro-catholic at all. I have been sent to a psychiatrist to determine if i am a fit mother or not because my ex want to take my children from me and have me pay him child support even though he abandoned the children for 10 years and just came back into there lives has a criminal record for drug possesion as well as other criminal charges, is a pagan. His mother is alos telling the courts lies about me and trying to help her son get the children and because i allowed her to be in the childrens lives she is using that against me now. I trust in God that he will see me through this but i just need other fellow christians to help to pray and come out in support because the Salem Probate Family court just doesnt seem to care that this man is a liar and a drug user, non of that matters. I on the other hand have worked for our federal government in serving and protecting our country and i am being treated like a common criminal. I know it says in the last days the world will be like this and we as christians shall be pursecuted for out beliefs yet for the courts to allow a pagan to have my children he has already poisoned the mind of my 15 year old son against me, he doesnt see or speak to me at all he is into pornography and running the streets, he is verbally and psyically abusive and has nothing to do with our lord and savior. My 11 year old boy is still with me and attends Catholic school attends service with me weekly and is a nice well mannered child i would like to keep it that way. I cant imagine the courts allowing the father to do to him what he and his mother have been able to do to my 15 year old son. Please if you can offer any help and prayer for me i would appreciate it. Not to mention i believe the man sitting in judgement of my case is a gay man. he gets to see wether or not i am a fit mother or not.Lord see me through. Amen thank you.
I will Pray for you.

Put ALL you have into faith in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He WILL give you the strength, and the words, to fight this - if it be His will. Which - from what you have posted, I see no reason it wouldn’t be. God be with you and your children.

Prayers sent! Hold fast to the Faith ALWAYS and NO MATTER WHAT!!
Saint Michael the archangel, defend us in this day of battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray, and do thou oh Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls!

Pray this daily…pray it every moment. Do not fear the devil who seeks to destroy but rest solely in the fact that whatever happens the will of God is accomplished. Put your trust solely in God and lean upon Him.
You are in my prayers! Please remember to offer your sufferings to God as you go through this – redemptive suffering can have great value to you, your family, and others for whom you offer it:

O my Lord Jesus Christ,
I lift up my heart to You in my suffering
and ask for Your comforting help.
I know that You would withhold the thorns
of this life if I could attain eternal life without them.
And so I commend myself to Your loving mercy
accepting this suffering in Your Name.
Grant me the grace to bear it and to offer it
in union with Your sufferings.
Regardless of the suffering that may come
my way, let me trust You always,
for You are my Lord, my God and my All. Amen.

Also, invoke the help and prayers of the saints during this difficult time. St. Monica prayed for her wayward son for years, who came back to the Church (St. Augustine).
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