In Need of Guidance

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I’ve been raised Catholic, but recently, I came across a book on Paganism…and from there my friends and I became interested in the practice of Wicca, and since then I have professed to be Wiccan, but now I really don’t know what to do. I used to be devotedly Catholic, and now I feel like I may be on the wrong path. I’m working on rediscovering the Catholic faith, and would like any advice that might be given on where I should go from here. *
I think it might help to elaborate a bit on when I first begin to realize that what I was doing was sinful…even if it is just to help myself reflect…The first time begin when my friends and I (the ones who are Pagan), were walking through the town at night. We passed the church where I used to attend Mass, and when I turned to look at it, I was very suddenly overwhelmed by a very dark feeling…I felt cold, and cut off from what made me happy…more than just my religion, it seemed as though I would never be happy again…and the sense of, well, it felt like a very strong sense of doom overcame me. I really don’t know how else to explain it, but as I looked at the church, I knew that something was very, very wrong somewhere in my life…it was just so painful. I just had yet to really find out why. The second time, I was with the same two friends, and we had walked out into the desert…to practice a Pagan rite no less…And afterwards I felt nothing, nothing like the freedom or joy that I had been expecting…Instead, I felt what I had felt before, in front of the church, that something was so wrong…And I had always felt so satisfied with myself, so happy when I was still attending Mass. Really, this is why I’m hoping to find a path truer to what God’s teachings really are.
Karynna_Raye said:
I’ve been raised Catholic, but recently, I came across a book on Paganism…and from there my friends and I became interested in the practice of Wicca, and since then I have professed to be Wiccan, but now I really don’t know what to do. I used to be devotedly Catholic, and now I feel like I may be on the wrong path. I’m working on rediscovering the Catholic faith, and would like any advice that might be given on where I should go from here. *
I think it might help to elaborate a bit on when I first begin to realize that what I was doing was sinful…even if it is just to help myself reflect…The first time begin when my friends and I (the ones who are Pagan), were walking through the town at night. We passed the church where I used to attend Mass, and when I turned to look at it, I was very suddenly overwhelmed by a very dark feeling…I felt cold, and cut off from what made me happy…more than just my religion, it seemed as though I would never be happy again…and the sense of, well, it felt like a very strong sense of doom overcame me. I really don’t know how else to explain it, but as I looked at the church, I knew that something was very, very wrong somewhere in my life…it was just so painful. I just had yet to really find out why. The second time, I was with the same two friends, and we had walked out into the desert…to practice a Pagan rite no less…And afterwards I felt nothing, nothing like the freedom or joy that I had been expecting…Instead, I felt what I had felt before, in front of the church, that something was so wrong…And I had always felt so satisfied with myself, so happy when I was still attending Mass. Really, this is why I’m hoping to find a path truer to what God’s teachings really are.****

My advice…start reading some books. Suprised by the truth by Pat madrid is good, Biblical Evidence for Catholicism by Dave Armstrong is good, and Four Witnesses by Rob …I forget the last name which is a book about 4 Apostolic Fathers who fought for Christ immediately after the death of the Apostles.

Also, ask questions, something you don’t understand will get cleard up on these forums. I’ve encountered so many nice people here so sincere and willing to help. I’m sure you’ll find the same.

Good luck, i’ll pray for you
I’d also like to add, in case you haven’t done so already, go to the sacrement of Reconciliation. You need this very much. Then, after making a good confession, begin attending mass regularly. After doing these things then I would start gettng good material to read. Don’t forget to regularly read your Bible as well! It is important to read good books along with the Bible (such as the Catechism), but don’t neglect the Bible. Reading the daily Scripture readings of the Church is wonderful for me.

Personally I’m a big Scott Hahn and Tim Staples fan. They have some good stuff at

Hi Karynna_Raye,

I’ve taken a couple of hours to think about your post in hope that I may be of encouragement to you.

In your heart you are a wonderful person. Your post is proof of that. The sense of doom that you felt was God calling you back to him by giving you a very strong feeling of wrongdoing. The memory of feelings of happiness at Mass is also God confirming in your heart what he wants you to do.

You are blessed that God loves you so much.
Many/most people never feel God touching their heart like that.

During my personal time of blindness and sin God pointed out specific Bible passages to me of things I had done wrong. Maybe you could find the passages pertaining to your sin and concentrate on them. There are many passages about pagan rites that will show you the way back to God thru Jesus.

God loves you and so do I.

Chris G
You might consider reading Fr. Mitch Pacwa’s book Catholics and the New Age. Also remember that many here will pray for you. Follow your heart and head back to your Catholic church and to God the Father’s loving arms through the sacrament of reconciliation. God bless you.
Don’t despair. God is all merciful. He will forgive you. Get away from paganism and go to confession. It will relieve you of your burden. Attending Mass will draw you closer to the One True God. God bless you. I will keep you in my prayers.
Check some local churches and see if any have a Eucharistic Adoration chapel. Go and just spend some time alone with our Lord and meditate upon Him and upon your life. It is a great way to gain perspective.
I am VERY proud of you for realizing that you need your heart and life to be with Jesus. Please know that He is soo proud of you too!

The first thing I would tell you is to just sit and reflect. Think about all the times that you felt the happiest in your life, and think about where you kept God at that point in your life. Than, I would start to talk to God … yeah, it may feel silly for a while, but the more you do it, the better it feels!

The Bible, and a number of books are a great source of guidance, as so many have pointed out before me …

… Than I would go and consult a priest that you are close with, or that you feel comfortable talking with! There is a wealth of knowledge in clergy … use it!!!

Keep us updated on your spiritual journey!!! We love you, and so does God!!!
  • Stefanie Rae Cecilia
    Island Lake, IL
As one post mentioned, you have been called back. That is the Holy Spirit talking to your heart. And I completely agree with that post that says YOU are blessed to have a God that loves YOU so very much to talk to your heart in such a way as he has.

I am also very proud and happy for you that you have started listening once again to the call on your faith. All are called , few listen - you have been given a gift to hear Him.

Pray for the Holy Spirit to fill you with courage and hope. You can defeat this feeling of doom with prayer and mass. Prayer is your fresh start.

Do you remember the story of the prodigal son who returned home and was honored by his father with a grand feast? Well, YOU are that child returning to God and he will reward you with blessing and beam with joy to have you home again.

Think about that freedom and love you will experience the first time you enter your beloved church again. AMEN!!!
I will send many prayers your way today, Child of God.
After you’ve reconciled and started going to Mass, get some apologetic material on paganism as mentioned above. But don’t stop there. Go and evangelize your pagan friends so that they will know the joy and reason for your hope in Christ Jesus.

St. Justin Matryr, pray for the conversion of all pagans.
Hi Karynna_Raye,
In your heart you are a wonderful person. Your post is proof of that. The sense of doom that you felt was God calling you back to him by giving you a very strong feeling of wrongdoing. The memory of feelings of happiness at Mass is also God confirming in your heart what he wants you to do.

You are blessed that God loves you so much.
Many/most people never feel God touching their heart like that.

God loves you and so do I.

Chris G
Hello and I must agree with Chris how much God loves you to send the Holy Spirit to bring you back. If you have EWTN at home and have the opportunity to watch the Journey Home there are some very inspiring conversion stories on that show. It took me till I was 24 years old to come back home. And my mother praying unceasingly. Thank you parents also who whoever has prayed so hard for you and given you a Catholic upbringing. I am thankful that I had that opportunity many times to thank my mother since she died last year.
All of the previous advice I concur with. Also, I would suggest that you begin getting a good Catholic support group around you. You have been with your Wicca friends for a long time and it’s going to be difficult to leave them-but God will lead you to some great friends to help you on your way. See if your parish has Bible Studies or any other group that you would be able to join. Perhaps the Choir or something like that-just to get some involvement and meet some new friends.

I’d also like to recommend that you start going to RCIA. I know you are already Catholic, but it’s also a great place to be reminded of what you already know and to learn some things you may not have known before-many Catholics don’t know their faith like they should. I juist converted this past April, and I’m considering going to RCIA again this year to learn more and to help out. Perhaps learning all you can as if you were never Catholic would help.

You are a very brave person. Most people don’t want to see what’s wrong in their lives, so when they are reminded of their sin they just brush it away. You are looking your life straight in the eye and seeing what’s wrong and you’re willing to work to fix it. I think that is one of the bravest things anyone can do. God will reward you for it, and Jesus and Our Mother will protect you on your journey. I’ll say a prayer for you during my Holy Hour this week.

God Bless.

Scout :clapping:
I hope that those who gave advice return here to read this- because I really just want to say thank you for genuinely caring so much. I’ve copied your posts and plan on printing them for future reference-it helps to know that there are so many sincere Catholics here, and I’ll be sure to return and post again. Again, thank you. You have no idea how much just hearing your support has given me- I’m now working on living my faith fully, and I don’t think I could do it without knowing that there are people out there who sincerely care. I truly owe you a huge bout of gratitude!

Love Always and Through God’s Light,
Karynna Raye
I hope that those who gave advice return here to read this- because I really just want to say thank you for genuinely caring so much. I’ve copied your posts and plan on printing them for future reference-it helps to know that there are so many sincere Catholics here, and I’ll be sure to return and post again. Again, thank you. You have no idea how much just hearing your support has given me- I’m now working on living my faith fully, and I don’t think I could do it without knowing that there are people out there who sincerely care. I truly owe you a huge bout of gratitude!

Love Always and Through God’s Light,
Karynna Raye
try to read the Interior Castle from ST TERESA of AVILA. you may undestand why you are felling the way you do. you are away from the ligth. come closer to GOD and you will start to see. i have been where you are. HE is waiting for you with is arms open. HE is your DAD. come back to him. i will be praying for you. GOD love you so much.
Peace to you. Your time in paganism has not been wasted, it has lead you to know in your heart there is nothing there, though there are elements that brush upon the truth or have some truth in them, they are not the fullness of truth, that is Christ Jesus. Every person considers the spirit within them and from where it came, what it is to do and what is it’s end. There is an innate truth of God in all of us that causes us to ponder this; this truth is love. This love is God.

Don’t be afraid that you have taken another path in your search within the spirit that led you to paganism, don’t even be embarrassed or worried. Take yourself humbly to confession because in humbling ourselves we truly love. This is your LOVE of God. Remember Priests hear confession upon all manner of things, don’t be afraid to speak to him who has the power to absolve in his ministry of Christ. Remember the story of the prodigal son, how happy heaven will be and rejoice when you come back to your Father’s house and praise him , love Him and how great His love of you for leading you back to Him.

Don’t worry about your friends opinion of your return to God, your spirit is your utmost concern and God is your utmost concern. They have concern for their own spirits. If they are truly your friends they will love you all the same, even if they don’t agree with you and who knows maybe they will see with their hearts what you see by your example.

Much peace to you, love and God Bless you xxxxx
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