In Praise of the Catholic Answers Forum - You have blessed us

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Hi CAFers,

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to share all the great experiences we’ve had on CAF?

I for one am so grateful for so many people who have challenged me and taught me so many things. I have grown, I have learned so much about the faith. I have learned more about how to interact with people, and how not to, but still so much more to learn!

And some of the people I am so grateful for. @Magnanimity @White_Tree @JonNC @Cathoholic @Annie @Grannymh (RIP?) @goout and so many others. Come to find out, we can only add so many names on one post, so I will keep adding!

A special word of gratitude for @Vico. Brother, you’ve been a great check on me. Appreciate it.

I met the only person in the world who has the same image of God as I do, more or less. She is in Romania. It could only happen in such a place as the CAF.

I’ve learned to check the news fora to learn what to be sensitive about, what super-conservative people are concerned about, what people are finding worth discussing, what are latest falsehoods going around… :crazy_face:

I met a now life-long internet friend from England who still struggles with the faith, but we keep in touch.

Most of all, I have had the joy of interacting with, and coming to love evermore, people who have very, very different opinions about things than I do. They are all beautiful people, all well-meaning and wanting the best for people, loving God, loving others.

Hey, the CAF wasn’t perfect, but what an amazing, beautiful, and joyous experience it has been. Thank you @Jon_Sorensen thank you @camoderator thank you all the staff and administrators at CAF.

Blessings upon you all!

With Love, HIS Love,

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More people I’m remembering in an appreciative way:

@ridgerunner @JimR-OCDS @pnewton @F_Marturana @fhansen @simpleas @Provobis @AlNg @exnihilo @Ender

God Bless you all. Hope we meet again.Simpleas, thanks for being a model of kindness in print. I could use an update lesson!
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Thank you. Two of the people from the past which I miss are Brother JR, and benedictgal. The first was a fount of wisdom; the latter my liturgical nemesis (bwa ha ha). I often was on the opposite side of debates the way debates are supposed to be conducted, with dignity and grace, and learned quite a bit about chant. For those that think no one ever changes their minds here. To this day, we are using Jubilate Dei during Lent for the Mass setting at my parish, because of benedictgal showing me some of the easier stuff I could use.
The list goes on:

@TheLittleLady @bobcatholic @upant @hergratefulchild @niceatheist @Victoria33 @ThinkingSapien @steve-b

@meltzerboy @gracepoole, I appreciate your ever-present support for Jewish people and reminding me that justice is on everyone’s mind, and that is to be always respected.
I was sad to hear of Caf shutting down. While there has been ups and downs with Caf, i have been a member fore more than a decade now, and it was one of the things including Ewtn which helped me in my conversion/reversion to thr faith, since i learned a lot of things.

I am very thankful for those things i learned, and for those who gave good advice, their kindness, prayers.

I dont remember all of them, but there is the prayer warrior @pollylodges, @Katherine438, @Trishie, @boomerang (her wonderful story of how she met her husband) , @7_Sorrows, @trinichiqn (member of the group i started) @iwillrisenowinfaith (who was a member of the group i started in the old forums. My group got deleted after many years when i got suspended and i felt sad about it. Later on Caf removed all groups altogether, oh well).
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Thanks, @OneSheep !

Wow, even trying to begin to thank all those who have helped me… I will have to think of them a few at a time and add them in!
I will miss CAF. I learned so much of our faith and really enjoyed the discussions. Most of all, I will miss the prayer section. :cry:
Thank you.

I guess I can say this now but four years ago I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. I’m dealing with it okay so far. CAF and you people have provided me with the mental stimulation I needed to keep going and I love you all for it. God be with you always and I hope we can meet again. I’ll certainly keep you all in my prayers.
Thank you Fin. You also will be remembered for your years here. Like you I oined years ago, in 2008
We can hope there may be a wonderful reunion in heaven for all of us who have found inspiration, support, and friendship in CAF
God bless all present and past members.
What a blessing CAF has been in my life. When life is good it has been a great place to share the many blessings the Lord has given me over the years. And when life has been difficult, it has been a great place to come to for inspiration and getting my faith back on the right track. What a great gift to the world CAF has been. The impact of CAF in my own life can not be measured, and I know I’m not alone in feeling that way.

Many thanks to the staff, and to all the people who posted and responded to my posts. I think I’ve been on here close to ten years now, I’m sad it’s coming to an end, but so very thankful for the privilege to have been here for so long.

God bless all of you.
‘Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset (because CAF is closing 😇).’ - St Francis de Sales
This was do kind of you, to mention me in your comments. Thank you.
I was planning to do something like this on the 15th, which marks the 13th anniversary of my join date at CAF.
I’ve been truly blessed these 13 years.

Here are a few from early on, Catholics and non-Catholics whose interactions I learned from and valued.
TriuneUnity steadfast @guanophore
jimmyb Eric Hilbert. Randy_Carlson
gabrielof12 ralphinal RobHom
benjohnson @steido01 @SyCarl @Stilldreamn
@commenter @steido01 @PeterJ

More to come.
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Thank you CAF for being an integral part of my faith journey.

You have blessed me in so many ways.
I enjoyed Contarini’s posts - to call them knowledgeable would be a serious understatement. He no longer posts here, since even before the switchover. But @GKMotley is still here!
There are so many that I have appreciated. Some did not make the transition or didn’t last long after Some are still here @GEddie@PRmerger@Church_Militant@puzzleannie@Ike@FrDavie96 who never came back after being suspended. There are many more. I appreciated you all.
Until the last light here fades on my monitor.

Contarini was a gem of a poster. And literally the first person to reply to my very first post ever, anywhere, around 24 years ago. Beginning a long board(s) friendship. He’s RC now, as you likely recaIl. l miss him, as I will miss this board. I learned from both.
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