In shock over the lives of my former classmates

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This is more of a vent than anything.

I had lunch with a friend today I hadn’t spoken with since middle school, we’re now in our thirties. When I went on to our public highschool she attended a private Catholic highschool -so we lost touch. We ended up spending several hours in the restaurant catching up. I married right out of highschool and did not go away to college. She went away to school and still knows many of people we went to school with. She was telling where so-in-so in now, married, not married ect. And she related a lot about her college days. I realize now that I let her go on and tell me stories about people lives that would probably be considered gossip, but at the moment it didn’t register that that is what is was. (duh-I know)

I can not get over what has happened to my classmates since highschool. I was an average student at the time, had my own small group of friends, didn’t hang with the popular crowd. These were the popular kids, the honor roll students, the athletes -the ones that seemed that had everything going for them -her included. We lived in an upper middle class neighborhood, these kids drove sports cars to school.

Just about every single one of them lived or is living with someone outside of marriage (some times several times over). Many were kids I made my first communion with. Huge amounts of alcohol and drug abuse. Many are still not married or divorced living lifestyles that sounds more like teenagers than mature adults.

I really don’t think she was exagerating because she was involved in much of what she related and a lot of it doesn’t even seem to strike her as wrong. She has returned to going to church but she still seems so lost. She carries saint cards in her purse but has a pagan friend that does tarot readings for her and gives her/sells her different kind of rocks that are supposed to help with different issues. She supposed to hold them in her hands and they conduct some kind of energy?

It saddens me tremondously that these are the choices my generation has made, many who were once Catholics. My head has been just spinning since I got home just thinking about it. I can not seem to wrap my head around the fact that people that had so much promise have chosen lives of emptiness and immorality.

I know this sounds horribly gossipy (and probably judgemental) but I needed to vent somewhere. I just feel so sad and sickened by it.
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