- The specialists create the embryoes, (more than you need )
- then they implant, (more than you need.) that increases the likelihood of one surviving.
- Then possibly 3- 6 start growing. Guess what, then they advize you to reduce the number because of the risk.
- Under ultrasound guidence a needle is inserted to kill the ones not wanted.( otherwise known as abortion)
- if you have extras then they place them on ice, trash’em or sell them for research. ( stem cell)
To answer your last question first, no I don’t believe people should pursue pregnancy at all costs. However, I believe there are ways to respect and preserve the sanctity of life while doing ART.
Because the process of IVF is often misunderstood, let me clarify some things. To get a woman to create more follicles (eventually released as eggs), she will be put on a regimen of injectible drugs. This is wholly licit. She will be monitored by ultrasound to measure and evaluate whether she will have too many follicles. At this point, anyone who sees too many follicles can choose to forego the cycle.
The follicles are aspirated off the ovary and are joined with sperm taken from the husband. The taking of sperm can be done in a morally licit way with the husband wearing a condom with a hole punched during intercourse.
Yes…the follicles are joined with sperm in a petri dish. However, there does NOT need to be an unlimited number fertilized. In fact, one can choose to have only one or two (whatever they would be able to carry if all implanted) potentially fertilized.
I know this presents a contradiction with established catechism, but in my heart, I think this can be done in a morally licit way. I.e., the husband and wife can engage in intercourse with the existing follicles ovulated, in the hopes of becoming pregnant in the traditional way.
Once the embryos have grown – and I hate that you say the doctors “created” embryos, because ONLY God can create life…injecting an egg with sperm doesn’t equal an embryo…only God can make that miracle happen – the couple can choose to transfer ALL the embryos at once – not freezing or disposing of any.
Finally, there’s no reason why anyone would have to do selective reduction – doctors and patients should discuss the thresholds for what a woman should be able to carry to term and only retrieve, fertilize and transfer that many.
So, your description of IVF is not an absolute.