I found this when I performed an internet search:
At least some atheists respect human rights and human equality. You should read this blog entry by PZ Myers, a fervent atheist, as a example:
It seems that Catholicism does not require one to accept the equality of all humans because some people are “primitive”. I now discern the futility of using God as a basis for morality. PZ has a heart, those religious people don’t.
Why I left the catholic church years ago.
Irish, Italian and Eastern European Americans made the American Catholic church the most powerful Catholic church in the world. During most of the 20th century, the American Catholic church was as powerful as the Vatican.
Beginning by endorsing affirmative action, the American Catholic Church has spent the last 40 years slapping in the face and kicking in the ***** those Catholics who made it such a powerful
organization both in the religious and secular arenas.
But now they are bringing in Latin American Indians and so- called “Christians” from Africa to take jobs, housing and entire cities and states from white Americans.
Well the Church will get what it deserves, a congregation of the passive primitives that have created the disfunctional societies of Latin America and Africa.
And how many of those African “Christians” will continue going to Church or bother to baptize their children once the Church has set them up with their welfare entitlements?
This should surprise nobody. Catholic Social Services has been bringing third world malcontents into the United States for years, only to dump them on the taxpayers’ dole.
I remember arguing in support of Peter Singer’s position that it is morally acceptable to abort an infant with Down sydrome because of its genotype. I must thank you all for showing the flaws in Peter Singer’s position. Instead of considering equal consideration of one’s interests (the key tenet in Singer’s philosophy), we should do what we can to faciliate one’s intellectual, moral, emotional, and spirtual (if we have a spiritual facet to our nature). Abortion does not fulfill this, and one can invoke this tenet as an argument against abortion that does not involve resource to a theistic system of morality. However, I am disillusioned that some those Catholics have no regard for social justice. They use thw word “egalitarian” as a pejorative. Oh well, it doesn’t matter, as these “primitives” do not deserve the basic rights such as the right to a living wage. I’ll go the library and avidly read the groundbreaking scholarly work concerning the nature of these “primitives” written by magnanimous scientists like Richard Lynn and J. Philippe Rushton.For that matter, why in the name of the god ‘Diversity’ is the Catholic leader of southern California named ‘Mahony’. Tsk, tsk …… ol’ Rog need to step down immediately and allow for the appointment of a third-world immigrant. Surely there’s no shortage of candidates.
At least some atheists respect human rights and human equality. You should read this blog entry by PZ Myers, a fervent atheist, as a example:
It seems that Catholicism does not require one to accept the equality of all humans because some people are “primitive”. I now discern the futility of using God as a basis for morality. PZ has a heart, those religious people don’t.