In You, With You & Thru You : My Holy God, You Are My Father!

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A Beautiful Prayer for our Holy father I would Like to Share it with You All… In You, With You & Thru You : My Holy God, You Are My Father !

My Father in heaven, how sweet and delicious to know that you are My father and I am Your Daughter !
Especially when the sky of my Soul is dark and my Cross is heavy, I feel in need to repeat those words: “ Holy Father I believe In Your Love “ .
Yes ! I believe that you are my Holy Father in every minute in my life and I am your daughter.
Yes ! I believe that you are watching me day & night, and that will never ever one hair from my head fall without your permission.
Yes ! I believe that you have all the wisdom and you know my best better than me.
Yes ! I believe that you have all the capacity and you can extract the Good from the Evil.
Yes ! I believe you have all the goodness and you work on the profit for all whom they love you even under the darkling hands… I kiss your healing hands.
Teach Father to follow always your Love in every moment in my life.
Teach Father to leave myself between your hands as a baby between his Mother Arms.
Holy Father, you know everything, you see everything, you know me more than I know myself and you can do everything : and You Love Me.
Father, as your wish is that I run to You always, I ask you with a total confidence and with Jesus and Mary to Bless Me, for this intention and with the Union of their Two Sacred Hearts (Jesus & Mary Heart), I offer you all my Prayers, Sacrifices, Intentions and all my Acts. Give me the Light , the Bless and the Strength of Your Holy Spirit. Fix me inside Him that I will never loose Him…
Jesus open your heart and put me inside and with the heart of Our Lady offer it to our Father and ask him to give me the graces which I am in need.
Holy Father, I invite all the Humanity in the whole world to declare your goodness and your Divine Mercy !
Be My Sweet Father, protect me anywhere, let me worth to be called your daughter: Mercy me !
My Holy Father , I pray that all humanity, Know You, Love You and Cherish You !

In You, With You & Thru You : My Holy God, You Are My Father !

Amen !
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