Okey, here is my rebuttal to that claim.
Wars are justified when fighting in them is less damaging than standing aside and doing nothing. The Quote below sums up my belief in why some wars are justified.
“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” - Patrick Henry
If we assume that this is also talking about other people and not just ourselves, than it is clear that a war to defend a free nation from tyranny is almost always justified. Now we just need to know if Ho Chi Minh is a tyrannical leader. For this, let’s look at his conduct.
The North Vietnamese Army and the Viet Cong have both committed numerous and unimaginably brutal atrocities, not as a result of failing discipline (which caused the U.S. atrocity of Mi Lai) but out of policy. Two examples of atrocities by the N.V.A and the V.C. include the Húe Massacre (2000-6000 dead) and the Dak Son massacre (300 dead). Apart from this, there is the testimonies of former POWs and fleeing refugees who report barbaric and savage torture and mutilations committed by the VC and the NVA.
I recommend you read “Five Years To Freedom”, an enlightening book on the Vietnam War written on an american soldier who was taken as a POW by the Viet Cong and not only felt their brutality himself but witnessed their cruelty to their own people.
The South Vietnamese people did not want Communism, nor did they want Ho Chi Minh. If they did, than they would not have fled in a mass exodus immediately afterwards and the Montagnards (an ethnic minority in Vietnam which supported the Americans) would not have kept fighting for two decades after the war.
U.S. efforts to defend the liberty of South Vietnam were totally justified, and the only reason it did not end in stalemate was because lack of support at home forced the U.S. A to give up too early.
I would love to agree with you that wars are justified, but as I look back I see no war that was. The United States has always and will always fight in wars in which it has the ability to profit, not because of a moral high ground. Here’s an excerpt from a pbs article by Samantha Power titled “Never Again, The World’s Most Unfulfilled Promise” that sums up my point quite well.
“Irrespective of the political affiliation of the President at the time, the major genocides of the post-war era – Cambodia (Carter), northern Iraq (Reagan, Bush), Bosnia (Bush, Clinton) and Rwanda (Clinton) – have yielded virtually no American action and few stern words. American leaders have not merely refrained from sending GIs to combat genocide; when it came to atrocities in Cambodia, Iraq and Rwanda, the United States also refrained from condemning the crimes or imposing economic sanctions; and, again in Rwanda, the United States refused to authorize the deployment of a multinational U.N. force, and also squabbled over who would foot the bill for American transport vehicles.”
The lack of intervention doesn’t end here. The United States has always picked and choose wars in order to profit.
-Philippine-American War (These guys wanted Freedom and we wanted profit)
-World War I (Which nation entered a time of economic boom? The war-torn European Nations? Or the guy who mopped up?)
-World War II (We showed up late to the party again. Showed up because Japan pulled us in, not because we sought to help. Look up the fire-bombings of Japan. What country burns people alive and then tries to take a moral high ground?)
These are a couple brief instances of the causes of war and the consequences, but that doesn’t acknowledge why I see all wars as non-justifiable. Wars cannot be justified because they (in theory if the moral high ground is taken) seek to fix something that only Jesus Christ can fix. Genocide, Poverty, Hatred, you give of an example of an atrocity and explain how there has ever been a war to cause it to cease. There will always be genocide, poverty, and hatred as long as Jesus Christ isn’t their Savior by choice.
Try reading some of Leo Tolstoy’s works.