Incarnation Elsewhere

  • Thread starter Thread starter PoliSciProf
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Given that the Vatican has acknowledged the possibity of self-conscious intelligent life elsewhere beyond the Earth and, given the vastness of the Universe and physical limits such as the speed of light with regard to communication, what is your opinion regarding the Earthly Incarnation? Poll follows. Please offer you reasoning if you respond to the poll. In this poll I will refer to Incarnation, Redemption (Calvary) and Resurrection as IRR.
Since we cannot know, and cannot justifiably predict, I shall say what I hope happens: That we will find intelligent civilisations elsewhere who were given a prediction of Christ’s coming on our planet that they subsequently wrote down as part of their scripture. He does after all desire all men to come unto Him and I believe that would go a great way toward convincing the stubborn without totally trampling on our free will to choose Him.

Then again, far be it from me to guess what You should do, Lord. Thy will be done.
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