Increased Spirituality in Returned Catholics?

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Is it my imagination or do Catholics who have been away from the Church have an increased depth of faith and devotion after their return? I have read about so many people who are more powerful ion their faith and more active in the Church and doing so much more for God, to serve Him, than they did when they were Catholics before. In our parish I know of more than one person like this.
BonnieBj said:
Is it my imagination or do Catholics who have been away from the Church have an increased depth of faith and devotion after their return? I have read about so many people who are more powerful ion their faith and more active in the Church and doing so much more for God, to serve Him, than they did when they were Catholics before. In our parish I know of more than one person like this.

It has been my experience that whether a Catholic is a Revert or a Convert when their mind is made up, they really want to follow the Faith. It goes without saying that you will see a new depth of faith and devotion…there has been a real ‘metanoia’, (change of heart) that has taken place…they can’t help but be hungry for the Truth of the Catholic Church and want to follow it the very best way that they can. Annunciata:)
I can speak for myself and say, yes that is the case. My hispanic family was as minimally practicing as you can imagine, but I always “felt” Catholic. Until age 28, I had been to Mass less than a dozen times–no Confirmation, no First Communion. I knew nothing about the Faith. When my wife-to-be took me to Mass, I couldn’t even follow a missalette! As you might imagine, my life style until then reflected it.

Now here I am at 47–a zealous apologist, leading Bible studies, helping with RCIA, house full of Bibles, commentaries, spiritual and apologetics books and magazines, teaching my kids the Faith, attending Catholic conferences, and generally out of control when it comes to all things Catholic. Who’d a thunk it? 😃
ya, i’d say it’s probably that the same fervor that drove them to look outside the church for depth and meaning brought them back to the church with increased depth and meaning.

i say this from a convert’s position, not a revert. so i can only speculate.
Speaking for myself, I do. I came back into the church whole-heartedly and opened up myself fully to receive the Lord in the way I had always wanted. My family and I were so welcomed by our parish. It was part of the parish’s behavior towards my family that set me on fire; God did the rest.

I have also met many Catholics that never left the faith that wanted that fire too. I told them it was there, they just needed to seek and find - and they did!
I think one has to make a conscientous effort to make a full committment to our faith, regardless if they always remained a Catholic, fell away from the church or converted.
As I see it, once you have really felt the love of God, His mercy and truth, it is hard to turn your back again. It only makes you want to get closer.

I have never left the faith. Actually, always went to chruch, Adoration, and prayed just a bit daily. But then I also picked the parts of the faith that I liked and disobeyed those I found to be out of step with today’s loose society.

When my life started reflecting the bad choices I had made, I decided to start making things right with God. As I see blessings added to my life, and my situation slowly turn around for the better, I know that this is due to God’s mercy and the Holy Spirit’s hard work with me.

I have returned as a stronger, faithful Catholic who wants to be an example for my 2 sons. I do not want them taking the lazy, goddless path that I took, while still calling themselves Catholic.
Catholics who truly understand (or at least want to understand) the depth and richness of the Faith will all have similar fervor, whether convert, revert, or cradle Catholics. The difference is, reverts and converts usually have experienced events in their lives that really drives home the beauty that is the Church. Usually this is the reason for their con-/re-version. Cradle Catholics grow up so used to the Faith that it is often more difficult to develop that level of excitement.
Cradle Catholic here…left the Chrurch…came back…Love it more now than ever!!!:yup:
I too am a revert. The most amazing thing as I have reflected on my reversion is that during my time away God never turned His back on me. I was the one who turned my back on Him. I saw how the gift of free will can be used. God does not force us to love him but always want us back closer to Him. It is easy to see that now and see that the catalyst for my change of heart only came from the mercy of God on this poor sinner.

All that makes me want to serve God with the talents He has given me.
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