Increasing faith? How is this done?

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How do you increase faith? Not quite sure exactly what that entails. Do prayers for Mary’s intercession help with this?
Pray through the day to Jesus and Mary ,talk to them as best friends who know and love you so much.
When it’s possible ,visits to the church and week day mass and regular sacraments.
God bless.
Making acts of faith and standing steadfast and loyal in the trials God sends you.

{27:6} The furnace tests the potter’s vessels, and the trial of the tribulation tests just men
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Prayer is the answer! When you want to become better friends with someone, what do you do? Spend time with them. Take some time to spend with Jesus and Mary. If you’re too busy to set aside time, ask Jesus and Mary to walk throughout the day with you.

Prayer has many forms. Yes, sometimes prayer is kneeling beside your bed with your hands clasped, head bowed and your eyes closed. But sometimes it’s a simple “hello, Jesus. Be with me this day.” as you dart out the door late for work.

Get to know Jesus and Mary and you will find your faith increasing as an outcome 🙂
Most of the praying I do is to Mary; or Jesus though Mary. That is the way I was told it works. it’s easier to get to Mary and Jesus through Mary. For whatever reason.
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“three things necessary to everyone: truth of faith which brings understanding, love of Christ which brings compassion, and endurance of hope which brings perserverance.”
St. Bonaventure

i think that as each of us are individuals, each of our ways to increase
our faith will be different. it’s a life long adventure. our Blessed
Mother is our greatest and bestest help. reading lives of the saints
and the numerous books available are all waiting for you. it’s an
adventurest road with surprises and disappointments, but with
an open heart to God’s will faith and hope and love of God and
neighbor will increase.
I fast and pray. It’s a way of always remaining in worship throughout the day. When you fast, every minute of the day you are reminded that you are fasting (i.e. the hunger pangs are potent). Fasting is definitely a Biblical practice, so I take advantage of it. My prayers are always more powerful if I happen to be fasting.
Our faith should gradually get stronger and stronger over a life time up until the moment of death. How to get stronger faith? Just ask God for stronger faith, as the Catechism of the Council of Trent teaches:

There is much to inspire us with confidence in prayer. Among these are to be numbered the beneficence and bounty of God, displayed towards us, when He commands us to call Him Father, thus giving us to understand that we are His children. Again there are the numberless instances of those whose prayers have been heard.

Further we have as our chief advocate, Christ the Lord, who is ever ready to assist us, as we read in St. John: If any man sin we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ, the just; and he is the propitiation for our sins. (1 John 2:1,2) In like manner Paul the Apostle says: Christ Jesus, that died, yea, that is risen also again, who is at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us. (Rom. 8:34) To Timothy he writes: For there is one God, and one mediator of God and men, the man Christ Jesus (1 Tim. 2:5); and to the Hebrews he writes: Wherefore, it behoved him in all things to be made like unto his brethren, that he might become a merciful and faithful high-priest before God. (Heb. 2:17) Unworthy, then, as we are, of obtaining our requests, yet considering and resting our claims upon the dignity of our great Mediator and Intercessor, Jesus Christ, we should hope and trust most confidently, that, through His merits, God will grant us all that we ask in the proper way.

Finally, the Holy Ghost is the author of our prayers; and under His guiding influence, we cannot fail to be heard. We have received the spirit of adoption of sons, whereby we cry, “Abba, (Father).” This spirit succours our infirmity and enlightens our ignorance in the discharge of the duty of prayer; nay, even, as the Apostle says, He asketh for us with unspeakable groanings. (Rom. 8:15, 26)

Should we, then, at any time waver, not being sufficiently strong in faith, let us say with the Apostles: Lord, increase our faith (Luke 17:5); and, with the father (of the demoniac): Help my unbelief. (Mark 9:23)
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if nothing else, I say the glory be and 3 hail Marys. Usually before bed.
How do you increase faith? Not quite sure exactly what that entails. Do prayers for Mary’s intercession help with this?
Certainly it helps to ask the Blessed Virgin and the rest of the Saints for their intercession.

And remember: faith isn’t primarily an emotion. It’s an act if the will by which we bind ourselves to another.
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That is what’s hard for me. The answer I think is “Go to Mass”. I have transportation problems but still, some effort would get me to Mass. The Bishop has opened the Parishes but you have to wear a mask and there’s rules in place. My sins are sexual and eating too much. Some of the priests have told me that’s a problem we all have, maybe so, but it’s one of the seven deadly sins. I pray that the blessed mother help me with untying the knots in my life. And to help me obtain the holy spirit’s blessings. And ask for Jesus’s intercession as the will of the Father allows.
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