I am going through a hard time with discernment right now. I would be so grateful if you could pray for me. But also, if you have any advice for me I also welcome that too.
For a while now I have started to face the fact that I think God is calling me to religious life. The problem is that I absolutely hate the idea. (Sorry for sounding so dramatic…)
I do have a strong desire to get married and have children though. And, its not even the thought of “giving this up” that makes me not want to join religious life. It is the fact that I would have to live in community and take religious vows (which sounds not so great. *).
Would God be asking me to do something that is so contrary to the desires in my heart? (Even there, that question doesn’t encompass everything I am thinking right now. I strongly desire to serve God and his church but I also desire to be a wife and mother. But I can feel God constantly calling me to religious life… and I really don’t want to say no to God… is it even God who is calling me? How do I know what I think I know?) I am very confused and in pain over the whole thing. I would be so thankful if you could help by praying for me or offering some advice. Thank you!
P.S. It doesn’t help that all my friends and family keep dropping hints for me to get a boyfreind. Its like all of a sudden, the idea of marriage is being thrown in my face (which would be cool if I wasn’t experiencing discernment issues) and it just makes it all the more painful…*
For a while now I have started to face the fact that I think God is calling me to religious life. The problem is that I absolutely hate the idea. (Sorry for sounding so dramatic…)
I do have a strong desire to get married and have children though. And, its not even the thought of “giving this up” that makes me not want to join religious life. It is the fact that I would have to live in community and take religious vows (which sounds not so great. *).
Would God be asking me to do something that is so contrary to the desires in my heart? (Even there, that question doesn’t encompass everything I am thinking right now. I strongly desire to serve God and his church but I also desire to be a wife and mother. But I can feel God constantly calling me to religious life… and I really don’t want to say no to God… is it even God who is calling me? How do I know what I think I know?) I am very confused and in pain over the whole thing. I would be so thankful if you could help by praying for me or offering some advice. Thank you!
P.S. It doesn’t help that all my friends and family keep dropping hints for me to get a boyfreind. Its like all of a sudden, the idea of marriage is being thrown in my face (which would be cool if I wasn’t experiencing discernment issues) and it just makes it all the more painful…*