The dangers of being female in a Eugenics world:
India Girls Still Face Sex-Selection Abortions, Female Infanticide by Swami Agnivesh, Rama Mani and Angelika Köster-Lossack
December 6, 2005
PFLifeNews.com Note: Swami Agnivesh, a former education minister of Haryana State, is president of the Arya Samaj. Rama Mani is course director at the Geneva Center for Security Policy. Angelika Köster-Lossack is a former member of the German Parliament for the Green Party. The views expressed in this article, which originally appeared in the International World Herald, do not entirely represent those of LifeNews.com.
In recent years, the world has been shocked by the Taliban’s ruthless suppression of women in Afghanistan, the practice of female genital mutilation in parts of Africa and the abuse of female domestic labor in places like Saudi Arabia. Yet it is the world’s largest democracy that is the undeclared winner in the contest of violence against women.
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