Indirect Evidence of Fatima Desecration

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Perhaps the pictures that were released a while back proved that Hindus really did worship at Fatima, using the altar and the whole nine yards. For those who still don’t believe it, I have a sad tale to tell.

Yesterday, I went to my seminary in St. Louis to host a bunch of Holland youth members, including a few seminarians from their tiny seminary. I got into a great discussion with one of the seminarians who is one of the few orthodox men in all of Holland. I asked him if he knew anything about Fatima’s desecration, and he said that although he had heard rumors, he would not be surprised if they were true.

He then proceeded to tell me horror story after horror story of convents and seminaries where Buddhas had been placed on the altars. Whenever the bishop would come visiting, they would make an excuse e.g. they were painting the walls or redoing the floor to keep him out of their chapels and churches.

Once the convents and seminaries closed, they found the Buddhas as well as large libraries of Hindu and Buddhist literature in their libraries (there was no Catholic literature, by the way). The problem has gotten so bad that the Vatican has refused to allow many of these dissenting orders to take in new novitiates (as if they had any vocations anyway!). The scenario rumored to have happened in Fatima suddenly seems much more plausible than it did before, even though the evidence was pretty convincing already.

Let’s keep praying for our bishops, priests, and seminarians. We sure need it.
…and there are also millions of alligators roaming around in the sewer system.
…they’re looking for Florida.

Come on folks, pick your Mess!

I bags the Mess among the flowers with German rye bread… what a trip…

First prize for the best Mess submission - free card out of purgatory!:cool:

…some might notice it’s not really free you have to work for it:eek:
Myhrr: Regarding the messes that your link shows.

I’m a Baptist soon to start RCIA classes.

Question 1: What is wrong with the Menorah?
After all, Jesus was Jewish.
And Catholics have the books of Maccabees in the Bible.

Question 2: I think nothing wrong with recognizing Black Culture.
Especially during Black History Month (February).

However, I agree with your objection to lay people dancing around anywhere during the Mass (unless permission was granted for the variance from a Bishop) – and then the dancing around should only be during that set-aside portion of the service. Or perhaps if the group sang as a church choir it would be best, right? If talking during Mass is a sin, then so much more is dancing and various hullabaloo.

Otherwise, I agree (even as a Baptist). It could be damaging to the other cultures as well to commingle their gods with Christian observance. And it is sacrilegious for Christians to permit it. You would never see us Baptists put a Buddha in front of our Church (even though our alter serves only a symbolic purpose).
Question 1: What is wrong with the Menorah?
After all, Jesus was Jewish.
And Catholics have the books of Maccabees in the Bible.
Nothing wrong at all as far as I’m concerned, but then according to the canons I’m excommunicated for worshipping with the Jews…

Question 2:
I think nothing wrong with recognizing Black Culture.
Especially during Black History Month (February).**
and they can sing.
However, I agree with your objection to lay people dancing around anywhere during the Mass (unless permission was granted for the variance from a Bishop) – and then the dancing around should only be during that set-aside portion of the service. Or perhaps if the group sang as a church choir it would be best, right? If talking during Mass is a sin, then so much more is dancing and various hullabaloo.
I don’t recall objecting to any of it…
Otherwise, I agree (even as a Baptist). It could be damaging to the other cultures as well to commingle their gods with Christian observance. And it is sacrilegious for Christians to permit it. You would never see us Baptists put a Buddha in front of our Church (even though our alter serves only a symbolic purpose).
This is such a mined field to walk in, if you do something in love of God then at least God will understand you…

Blessed are the pure in heart
Ok. I guess I should clarify. I was not saying that there are no abuses going on in the liturgies these days. I was saying we need to be very wary of people who spread rumours. I have heard the same story over and over about statues of Buddha and Hindu gods appearing on altars around the world as some dark conspiracy. I’ve never actually seen any of it substantiated. The same with the pope receiving a “Hindu blessing from a priestess” which was in reality a Catholic Indian woman. Yet all of these rumours continue in variation just like the urban legends we have grown accustomed to hearing, like alligators in the sewers, the “bloods” initiation or lsd stickers being given to pre-schoolers as rub-on tattoos.

Don’t be gullible! Check your sources!

That having been said, if you go to an Ethiopian Orthodox church, you will most likely find paintings of menorrahs on the walls, as well as the ark of the covenenant. I don’t see anything wrong with symbols or displays which emphasise our being grafted from the vine of Judaism. However, it does irk me when some priests these days have taken to the tradition of holding a Passover Seder during Holy week. I think that is pushing the limmit.

As far as liturgical dance, there is absolutely nothing wrong when in the context of the cultural practices of the parish. Africans dance as a part of ritual celebration. But the west has no such tradition, and liturgical dance for its own sake is in extremely bad taste IMHO.
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