Indulgence--Can I recieve without knowledge?

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Can I receive indulgences without the knowledge that I’m receiving it? Like let’s say that I’ve been teaching a catechism class at Church but did not know that this gives an indulgence. Am I granted the indulgence (unknowingly)?
Can I receive indulgences without the knowledge that I’m receiving it? Like let’s say that I’ve been teaching a catechism class at Church but did not know that this gives an indulgence. Am I granted the indulgence (unknowingly)?
I have very limited knowledge of indulgences. Is this helpful:

An indulgence is the extra-sacramental remission of the temporal punishment due, in God’s justice, to sin that has been forgiven, which remission is granted by the Church in the exercise of the power of the keys, through the application of the superabundant merits of Christ and of the saints, and for some just and reasonable motive.


The mere fact that the Church proclaims an indulgence does not imply that it can be gained without effort on the part of the faithful. From what has been said above, it is clear that the recipient must be free from the guilt of mortal sin. Furthermore, for plenary indulgences, confession and Communion are usually required, while for partial indulgences, though confession is not obligatory, the formula corde saltem contrito, i.e. "at least with a contrite heart ", is the customary prescription. Regarding the question discussed by theologians whether a person in mortal sin can gain an indulgence for the dead, see PURGATORY. It is also necessary to have the intention, at least habitual, of gaining the indulgence. Finally, from the nature of the case, it is obvious that one must perform the good works – prayers, alms deeds, visits to a church, etc. – which are prescribed in the granting of an indulgence. For details see “Raccolta”.
It is my understanding that one must have the intent to receive an indulgence to receive it.

However, one need not know the details of a particular indulgence to receive it. A general intention to receive all indulgences and blessings associated with an activity will suffice.

Even better, just include an intent to receive all available blessings and indulgences in your Morning Offering.
Joe Kelley:
Even better, just include an intent to receive all available blessings and indulgences in your Morning Offering.
That’s what my older sister taught me to do. She makes an intention to receive all indulgences, known and unknown throughout the day. The book, “The Racolta” has all the indulgences of the Church, and we can gain so many in a day, it’s incredible to think that we can waste this treasure of the Church by not making an intention to receive them.
Ah I see. Alrighty then so from what I’m getting here, I must generally realize that I want to obtain an indulgence (I guess because I need to make a consent of will–God won’t do it against my will) and that I need to be in a state of grace to receive it. That is very helpful actually. Thank you all.

I shall include an intent in my prayers to receive any blessings and indulgences in my day. God bless.
Ah I see. Alrighty then so from what I’m getting here, I must generally realize that I want to obtain an indulgence (I guess because I need to make a consent of will–God won’t do it against my will) and that I need to be in a state of grace to receive it. That is very helpful actually. Thank you all.

I shall include an intent in my prayers to receive any blessings and indulgences in my day. God bless.
Did you know that every time you make the sign of the cross reverently you receive an indulgence?
Can I receive indulgences without the knowledge that I’m receiving it? Like let’s say that I’ve been teaching a catechism class at Church but did not know that this gives an indulgence. Am I granted the indulgence (unknowingly)?
Hi Alison!

May be Steve Kellmeyer can answer your question in his calenders. Since we have to be in a state of grace to recieve an Indulgence, it seems almost impossible to me! :eek:

But of course we can try to live a more holy life (I try the best I can, but I’m only human)! I think the important thing is **to try ** to do something to repair the consequences of sins already forgiven, and to get no panic about it.:coffee: When we do the best we can, it’s up to God to judge. After all grace is something we get from God ❤️ , too. 🙂
  1. Beauty of Grace - 2006 Calendar of Indulgences
  2. Keys to Grace Calendar of Indulgences - Appointment Calendar 2006
Gracias Gratias Grace! Wow that was a mouthful…or shall I say…fingerfull 😛
Gratias…by state of Grace (no pun intended on your name) I am referring to frequent confession which indeed puts us in a state of grace. That’s what I understand it to mean. God bless sister.

I just want to thank all of you for your contributions to my question. It really helps!
Even better, just include an intent to receive all available blessings and indulgences in your Morning Offering.
Wouldn’t a virtual intention suffice such as “Lord, from this day forward I ask that you grant to me all indulgences that I gain throughout the rest of my life which I offer back to you [through the Immaculate Heart of Mary] to provide [through the Immaculate Heart of Mary] to the poor souls in purgatory, unless I state otherwise”?

If I am conscience of gaining a plenary indulgence during the day I specifically ask for that to be granted though. Doing so might remind some to say the prayer’s for the Holy Father’s intentions which might otherwise be forgotten.
Gracias Gratias Grace! Wow that was a mouthful.
God bless sister.
Thank you! You got it Alison! :tiphat: My strange nickname means “Thank you, God, for making me CATHOLIC (and able to recieve grace trough the sacraments)!” I try to go to confessions regularly, so at least after confession I am in a state of grace. As a former protestant it isn’t easy to understand everything, and the topic “indulgences” are one of the difficult topics.

The way you say it now (and what I got from the links I posted) make me understand it this way: First we go to confession to be in a state of grace, then we can try to do something (on top of the pennance) to repair for the harm our sins have made in the world (the formal way to get an indulgence). Then we go to confession again, as we ougth to do within 20 days, after trying to recieve a plenary indulgence, … and the more we do this … Confession, Pennance, Indulgences, new Confession …, the greater is the chance that we are into a good habit of helping others and ourselves by the grace of God. :bowdown: 🙂
If I am conscience of gaining a plenary indulgence during the day I specifically ask for that to be granted though. Doing so might remind some to say the prayer’s for the Holy Father’s intentions which might otherwise be forgotten.
The extra repairwork (indulgence) can be of help for ourselves or for those in purgatory, but not for other people still alive according to the links I posted in post # 7 on this thread.

Blessings to both of you!
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