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Are there any comprehensive websites that have accurate, up-to-date information on means of obtaining partial or plenary indulgences? Thanks!
From EWTN:

Indulgentiarum Doctrina (Apostolic Constitution On Indulgences) Pope Paul VI (Solemnly Promulgated By His Holiness, On
January 1, 1967)

Though the previous recommended link is from 1968…
When the Church sold indulgences the record sold went to a German prince who bought 2 million years worth. I always wondered what he did that caused him to figure he needed that many years off.
How much do you have to drink before you are fully ‘indulged’ (saved)?–nicolo
So to get a plenary indulgence for saying 5 decades of the Rosary do I have be in front of the Blessed Sacrament? I thought you had to be but it seems that the Enchiridion says you can be anywhere.
Wow, this thread is most helpful.

Haven’t had time to read all the literature recommended but what I’ve read so far just puts me in awe of the Church and the mercy of Christ for leaving us the Church to guide us in this manner.

Praise be to God! :love:
It looks like the fourth edition of the Enchiridion Indulgentiarum was decreed in 1999 but that it has not been published yet.

Anyone know for sure?

Anway, look at this: regarding the indulgence for the rosary before the Blessed Sacrament.

It looks like there are TWO separate indulgences here.

Also, YYMom, you had asked about gaining a plenary indulgence every day? I think you can as long as you meet the conditions, and as long as you find a indulgenced act that you can do every day (Like, I suppose, say the Rosary?!?)

For instance during this past Year of the Eucharist:
  1. A Plenary Indulgence is also granted to the clergy, members of Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life and to the other faithful bound by law to recite the Liturgy of the Hours, as well as those who are accustomed to praying the Divine Office for pure devotion, every time, at the end of the day, when they recite Vespers and Compline before the Lord present in the tabernacle, either in community or privately.
you could have received a Plenary Indulgence every night by praying Vespers and Compline before the tabernacle!!

May the Holy Spirit guide us in availing ourselves more of the treasury of graces offered by Holy Mother Church.!
Verbum Caro:
Also, YYMom, you had asked about gaining a plenary indulgence every day? I think you can as long as you meet the conditions, and as long as you find a indulgenced act that you can do every day (Like, I suppose, say the Rosary?!?)

For instance during this past Year of the Eucharist:

you could have received a Plenary Indulgence every night by praying Vespers and Compline before the tabernacle!!
Well, that’s one of the big deals about 'Year Of’s that a Pope can decree…during the entire year more indulgences are available to you than otherwise would be…so I heard on the radio one day when they were talking about the end of the Year of the Eucharist.

So I’m wondering, now that the Year of the Eucharist is over and Pope Benedict hasn’t declared another “Year of” just what indulgences are available to us and under what circumstances…

if they are fewer and further between I certainly don’t want to miss the boat!!
I see you can get a plenary indulgence for saying the Rosary in an oratory. What constitutes an oratory for the purpose of an indulgence?

I think an oratory is basically a church that is not a parish.
Can. 1223 An oratory means a place which, by permission of the Ordinary, is set aside for divine worship, for the convenience of some community or group of the faithful who assemble there, to which however other members of the faithful may, with the consent of the competent Superior, have access.
When the Church sold indulgences the record sold went to a German prince who bought 2 million years worth. I always wondered what he did that caused him to figure he needed that many years off.
Two problems with this. The Church never sold indulgences. From CA:
One never could “buy” indulgences. The financial scandal surrounding indulgences, the scandal that gave Martin Luther an excuse for his heterodoxy, involved alms—indulgences in which the giving of alms to some charitable fund or foundation was used as the occasion to grant the indulgence. There was no outright selling of indulgences.
Also, even though I’m not sure you meant it, it seems to imply that indulgences get you time off in purgatory. The years seen listed with indulgences are not time off from purgatory. They are equivalents of earthly pennances.

In reading that I notice it pre-dates the luminous mystery…does that mean we would now have to recite 20 decades?

I’m just looking over my Indulgences calendar for 2006, and re-reading the stipulations, etc. It just blows my mind that a plenary indulgence can be obtained any day of the year (only one per day though) by doing any one of the following:
  • adoring the blessed sacrament for at least 1/2 hour
  • devoutly reading scripture for at least 1/2 hour
  • devoutly performing the stations of the cross
  • reciting the rosary with members of the family, or in a church, oratory, religiious community or pious association.
Granted, the usual stipulation of ‘having no attachment to sin - even venial’ is still the hardest part of those, and perhaps, for my family ‘devoutly meditating on the mysteries’ while praying the rosary would really be a challenge (routine almost makes it hard not to zone out at times) - especially if we have to do 20 decades. But our parish offers reconciliation, mass and adoration on wednesdays so there’s no reason we can’t get ourselves ready to do the most good for those souls.
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