I was looking at the violet vestments of our celebrant yesterday while trying to explain Septuagesima Sunday to my 14 year old daughter (which I only knew about cause I had earlier in the day read my missal) and a question came to me.
Namely, which calendar do my fellow indult TLM’ers structure their “inner” liturgical life around? I thought about this a bit too last week on February 1st which was the feast day in the '62 Missal of St. Ignatius of Anitoch–who’s one of my favorite early Fathers. It was a feria day for the modern rite.
My wife loves me dearly but thinks I’m a bit of a nut with my devotion to the TLM. Having two, often different liturgical calendars for my family can be rather difficult also.
Best, :tiphat:
Namely, which calendar do my fellow indult TLM’ers structure their “inner” liturgical life around? I thought about this a bit too last week on February 1st which was the feast day in the '62 Missal of St. Ignatius of Anitoch–who’s one of my favorite early Fathers. It was a feria day for the modern rite.
My wife loves me dearly but thinks I’m a bit of a nut with my devotion to the TLM. Having two, often different liturgical calendars for my family can be rather difficult also.
Best, :tiphat: