Question #1: At what point in time is purely oral tradition no longer reliable?..When children play the game of “telephone” and pass one message on to another, it doesn’t take too many relays before the message becomes garbled. The written scriptures (our Bible) don’t become garbled as easily. Assuming you have reliable scribes transcribing the copies, the 20th generation will be the same as the original autograph. No so with oral tradition. Unless you write it down, it will become distorted within a few generations. So it is very important that the oral tradition also be written down.
Question #2 - Do the writings of the early church fathers contain the entire oral tradition of the apostles? If not, where else should I look? I can accept the writings of the ECFs as a reliable source for apostolic oral tradition because the early church was ony a few generations removed from the apostles, and so there wasn’t that much time for the oral message to become garbled.
Question #2 - Do the writings of the early church fathers contain the entire oral tradition of the apostles? If not, where else should I look? I can accept the writings of the ECFs as a reliable source for apostolic oral tradition because the early church was ony a few generations removed from the apostles, and so there wasn’t that much time for the oral message to become garbled.