Does anyone know the Infallible Statements that have been made by the Popes and which Pope made which one? Thank you for any help you may provide.
In Christ’s Name,
In Christ’s Name,
There are literally hundreds and hundreds. I would suggest getting a copy of Denzinger if you are interested in studying them.Does anyone know the Infallible Statements that have been made by the Popes and which Pope made which one? Thank you for any help you may provide.
In Christ’s Name,
There are literally hundreds and hundreds. I would suggest getting a copy of Denzinger if you are interested in studying them.
You mean that you all don’t have an infallible list of infallible statements? How ironic.That is wrong…there have been 2…and only two.
1)The Immaculate Conception
2)The Assumption
Actually that is the good thing. There is no document to list all infallible decrees of the Roman Pontiff.You mean that you all don’t have an infallible list of infallible statements? How ironic.
Yet a quote from the first link above-Actually that is the good thing. There is no document to list all infallible decrees of the Roman Pontiff.
As far as is known at this time there are only two that must be believed, the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary and her Assumption to Heaven.
I suggest you look HERE for more info -
However…KNOW what you are attacking-
Many people confuse Infallible statements with “Ex Cathedra” teachings. There are few Ex Cathedra statements three is usually quoted however there may be two others that meet the necessary requirements. However the original poster asked about infallible Papal statements not just Ex Cathedra statements.I heard on the radio that there have been only 3 infallable statements made by the Popes over the centuries:
I can’t remember the other 2, but we Catholics deal with them often! I don’t know who made those doctrines.
- The Assumption of Mary
Maybe it’s actually a difference of infallable doctrines versus infallable statements. I’ve had this same question also and posted it in the Ask an Apologist forum, but it was never posted or answered. (then again, I’ve had several posts “time out” lately)
I’d be interested to hear what other knowledgeable people here have to say about this and what resources to go to to find the answers.
Don’t forget the first two infallible Papal enyclicals: 1 and 2 Peter.I heard on the radio that there have been only 3 infallable statements made by the Popes over the centuries:
I can’t remember the other 2, but we Catholics deal with them often! I don’t know who made those doctrines.
- The Assumption of Mary
Maybe that is because an ex-cathedra statement IS an infallible statement, and an infallible statement IS an ex-cathedra statement.Many people confuse Infallible statements with “Ex Cathedra” teachings
There are not only three ex-Cathedra statements. Every dogma from every dogmatic council IS an ex-Cathedra statement, and there are hundreds of them. Ex-Cathedra just means “from the Chair”. It means that the statement was made in a definitive way “from the chair of Peter”. The following is taken from the Catholic Encyclopedia:"There are few Ex Cathedra statements three is usually quoted however there may be two others that meet the necessary requirements. However the original poster asked about infallible Papal statements not just Ex Cathedra statements.
Hi, Newby!Does anyone know the Infallible Statements that have been made by the Popes and which Pope made which one? Thank you for any help you may provide.
In Christ’s Name,
This should read:Maybe that is because an ex-cathedra statement IS an infallible statement, and an infallible statement IS an ex-cathedra statement.
This is a joke, right?Hi, Newby!
What!?!?!? YOU haven’t heard about the Great Golden Book of Infallible Statements hidden in the basement of the Vatican Library, under a trap door in the Secret Archives!?!?!? Ohhhhhh, what is the world coming to?!?!?!
Infallibility is not what your question implies. Infallibility is “communicative” and “receptive,” and “general” and “transactional.”
First, you can see infallibility adverted-to in inspired Scripture, which, of course, is infallible on the issues of faith and morals, the “meat” of infallibility.
**1 ****While the crowd was pressing in on Jesus and listening to the word of God, he was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret. ****2 ****He saw two boats there alongside the lake; the fishermen had disembarked and were washing their nets. ****3 ****Getting into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, he asked him to put out a short distance from the shore. Then he sat down and taught the crowds from the boat. Luke 5:1-3.**Note well what you have here: “Boat” always = “Church” in the Bible. “Two” always = “the Church.” Large bodies of water = “sea of damnable souls.” “Sitting” always = “presiding.” So, we have “two boats,” a double affirmation, by “two” and “boats,” that they symbolize “the Church.” Note which boat Jesus gets into – *Simon Peter’s boat, the Church of the Popes! *Jesus “sits” in Simon Peter’s boat – Jesus “presiding” in the Church of the Popes. And what do we see coming out of Simon Peter’s boat to the saved on the shore (they are not in the “sea of damnable souls,” right?)? We see the actual teaching of Jesus Himself presiding in the Church of the Popes coming out of the Church of the Popes.
TO BE CONTINUED (because of that annoying character limit)
OK, guys. I know that no one here would let me by with something that sounds so silly. I must be misunderstanding.michaelp,
“You mean that you all don’t have an infallible list of infallible statements? How ironic.”
Yes we all mean to say that we all do not have alist of all the infallible statements that have been made from the Vatican. Why would we, unless we are taking a course on a higher level in a PhD program of Theology?
I do believe the original question was one of curiosity and not of substance. It is similar to asking how many miles of highway in the state of Nevada.
Thanks Lisa,Michael you are dear to me and always in my prayers as well as your family.I have no doubt I am in the very Church Christ started.With that being said a list of infallible statements from the Chair of Peter and those that are made on Faith and morals will be different in that the ones on faith and morals are more extensive and change because society changes.Let me give you an example 100 years ago cloning wasn’t an issue scripture doesn’t mention cloning, so the Church guided by the Holy Spirit will bind and loose concerning cloning.God Bless
Now when did I ever say anyone was “nervous” about infallible statements? And what kind of box was I lumping you, or anyone else, into? I am wondering what in my post caused you to think I believed some people were nervous about papal infallibility.RSiscoe,
Please don’t lump people into a box of your own making. Just because some of us were poorly catechized does not mean we have a problem or are “nervous” about papal infallability.
Get off your high horse. If you have an answer to a question, then please answer it, but please don’t feel you have the right to denigrate fellow Catholics for not having the right answer.
I AM nervous about running into Catholics who seem to feel they have a right to put others down because they happen to understand a particular principle of our faith when others do not.