Infertility and marginal fertility, How did you know?

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… and what did you do?
Based on my continued observation of insufficient thermal shift, I strongly suspect a luteal phase defect. My mucus symptom is fairly strong, tho I do seem to have a nasty problem with yeast regardless of acidophilus, OTC drugs, prescription ointments, and diflucan.
Even though we’re avoiding right now, it’s having a bad effect on our intimacy because we’re dying to have children as soon as the other factors are accounted for.
Any thoughts on finding peace with that possibility or success stories for encouragement?
… and what did you do?
Based on my continued observation of insufficient thermal shift, I strongly suspect a luteal phase defect. My mucus symptom is fairly strong, tho I do seem to have a nasty problem with yeast regardless of acidophilus, OTC drugs, prescription ointments, and diflucan.
Even though we’re avoiding right now, it’s having a bad effect on our intimacy because we’re dying to have children as soon as the other factors are accounted for.
Any thoughts on finding peace with that possibility or success stories for encouragement?
Umm…have you spoken with your OB/GYN and see what they reccommend you do?
Also unless I am mistaken, you are not technacally infertile unless you have actively been trying to concieve for 1 year.
… and what did you do?
Based on my continued observation of insufficient thermal shift, I strongly suspect a luteal phase defect. My mucus symptom is fairly strong, tho I do seem to have a nasty problem with yeast regardless of acidophilus, OTC drugs, prescription ointments, and diflucan.
Even though we’re avoiding right now, it’s having a bad effect on our intimacy because we’re dying to have children as soon as the other factors are accounted for.
Any thoughts on finding peace with that possibility or success stories for encouragement?
Obviously without seeing any charts and things its hard to know anything. But why do you say you have an insufficient thermal shift? Any examples? Also it sounds like you are taking a lot of different things for yeast problems that could potentially interfere with your thermal patterns and your mucas patterns.

I would definately talk to an ob/gyn and/or an NFP instructor.
Umm…have you spoken with your OB/GYN and see what they reccommend you do?
Also unless I am mistaken, you are not technacally infertile unless you have actively been trying to concieve for 1 year.
I agree! When we decided to try and conceive, my doctor said that unless I’m having alot of miscarriages, it’s not uncommon for a pregnancy to take awhile to occur. She said that after a year of trying and we STILL haven’t conceived, then that means that there’s a chance of infertility. Still, it never hurts to mention all of this to your OB/GYN. 😉 It made me feel better to talk to the doctor, anyway. I tend to worry alot about things. 🙂
Also unless I am mistaken, you are not technacally infertile unless you have actively been trying to concieve for 1 year.
That’s true if you’re under 35. If you’re over 35 it’s 6 months.

We had been trying for about 7 months and charting for about 5 when I had my yearly ob/gyn exam. I talked to my gyn and she started with a test of my hormone levels and then a hysterosalpingogram to check to see if my tubes were open (they were). After some more charting, she suggested we talk to a Reproductive Endocrinologist, which we did. All of my hormone levels are normal and I do ovulate. dh is normal too. We are diagnosed with unexplained infertility.

At this point it’s been 21 months with no pregnancy. In terms of finding peace, I haven’t fully done that yet, though I would certainly advise prayer. However, since you haven’t yet actually tried to get pregnant, might I suggest that you wait and see? Infertility does put stress on a marriage and certainly disrupts intimacy. Please don’t put yourself through that pain until you know that you have a problem.
Umm…have you spoken with your OB/GYN and see what they reccommend you do?
Also unless I am mistaken, you are not technacally infertile unless you have actively been trying to concieve for 1 year.
The “one year” guideline is used by many doctors, but that is for people who are not really doing anything specific-- like charting. Those people wouldn’t know whether they were infertile or just having sex on the wrong days. It’s a miracle that anyone in the general population ever gets pregnant as ignorant as some are about how a woman’s cycle actually works.

A person who is charting is a completely different animal. They can detect infertility or marginal fertility much more quickly and can treat the problem in many cases. Even a person who was not yet married, but charted, could detect annovulatory or luteal phase issues and get treated. There is no need to wait and “try” for a year before getting assistance.

V-- If you were charting Creighton you could consult with Dr. Hilgers. I would still suggest you talk to your NFP instructor and your doctor about the pattern you’ve already detected using STM. They may be able to give you some advice or supplements that will help.
You might find some helpful advice in Marilyn Shannon’s book, “Fertility, Cycles & Nutrition”. (I ordered online, I’m not sure many book stores would have it in stock.)

Also, some friends of ours visited a doctor in Nebraska who was able to offer good help that all fit within the moral guidelines of the Church. I believe it was the Pope Paul VI Institute:
While I do know when I ovulate based on mucus and cervix, my temps don’t qualify for full, strong, or even overall shift. I get a day, maybe two if I’m lucky, that are .3 or .4 above LTL, then it’s back down to LTL for the rest of the cycle.

I was only using the meds for a two month span out of over a year of charting. When I first started taking vits and was temping VERRRRY early in the morning I got 3 cycles with overall thermal shifts.

It’s just kind of frustrating that almost no one takes me seriously since we aren’t trying unsuccessfully to conceive. I have enough problems with intimacy, and this just makes me feel, well… broken and insufficient.😦
It’s just kind of frustrating that almost no one takes me seriously since we aren’t trying unsuccessfully to conceive. I have enough problems with intimacy, and this just makes me feel, well… broken and insufficient.😦
V-- Are you a worrier by nature? It seems you are a little overly worried about something that you don’t even know for a fact is a problem. Since you’ve not yet tried to conceive, you don’t really know that you have a problem.

You think you might, based on your charts. There are steps you can take to assist your cycle (get the Shannon book on Fertility Cycles and Nutrition).

As for people not taking you seriously, not sure who you are referring to-- doctor, or friends/family/online here at CA. If it’s your doctor, maybe get another doctor who is open to your concerns.

But, remember, you could be self-diagnosing inaccurately. You may not have a fertility problem at all. And, if you do-- just deal with it when it arises for real.

I’m sorry, I can’t help you with your feelings of insufficiency, only you can do that. Maybe talk to a counselor about why you feel this way-- and deal with your other intimacy issues which are likely at the root of the problem. I’ll pray for you!
While I do know when I ovulate based on mucus and cervix, my temps don’t qualify for full, strong, or even overall shift. I get a day, maybe two if I’m lucky, that are .3 or .4 above LTL, then it’s back down to LTL for the rest of the cycle.

I was only using the meds for a two month span out of over a year of charting. When I first started taking vits and was temping VERRRRY early in the morning I got 3 cycles with overall thermal shifts.

It’s just kind of frustrating that almost no one takes me seriously since we aren’t trying unsuccessfully to conceive. I have enough problems with intimacy, and this just makes me feel, well… broken and insufficient.😦
Have you spoken to an OB/GYN about your fertility? Or about the recurring yeast problems?
I would definitely talk to the doctor about this… and BRING your CHARTS. They have to take you seriously if you have the proof. If you don’t get the response you’re looking for from your OB/GYN, then ask to be referred to a Reproductive Endocrinologist. There may be some underlying hormonal problem that CAN be treated… thyroid problems are often to blame for fertility issues, and an endocrinologist can diagnose that.

God bless… I hope you can get the answers you’re looking for soon! HUGS!
While I do know when I ovulate based on mucus and cervix, my temps don’t qualify for full, strong, or even overall shift. I get a day, maybe two if I’m lucky, that are .3 or .4 above LTL, then it’s back down to LTL for the rest of the cycle.(
Hey V!
I’m going to post, but I should preface it with the fact that DH and I only practiced NFP for 4 months before becoming pregnant this time around so I’m no expert! 🙂

OK. Based on what you said above, I’m a little unclear why you are worried there might be a problem. If I remember correctly (I don’t have my old charts in front of me) I only experienced a thermal shift of about .4 for 2 days or so before my temps fell again. It wasn’t until I got pregnant this time that I noticed my temps stay high past my usual luteal phase length and go up a second time around implantation.

Again, I’m certainly no expert, but if you are getting signs of ovulation with mucus and cervical position, those are good things!

I have heard of people have too short of a luteal phase though… I think under 10 days qualifies as being too short because it does not give the egg time to implant before starting your period. But there are things you can do to help that problem! How long is your luteal phase?

I’m sorry you’re feeling bad about this, and bad that no one is taking you seriously. Women sometimes just “know things” about their bodies and it is important to listen to that too. I just think you are right that a doctor isn’t necessarily going to take you seriously until you’ve actively tried to conceive. 😦

God’s blessings to you V! I’ll keep you in prayer.
If I remember correctly (I don’t have my old charts in front of me) I only experienced a thermal shift of about .4 for 2 days or so before my temps fell again.
No, I lied. 😃

I have been thinking about this and thinking about this since I posted last, and you’re right… a clear thermal shift should last longer than a day or too. Mine always stayed up until I was about ready to get my period … how quickly I have forgotten NFP!!! Yikes!

Anyways, I’m sorry for the confusion! :o

Oh, and I wasn’t lying that I would keep you in prayer! 😛 He he he…
It’s just kind of frustrating that almost no one takes me seriously since we aren’t trying unsuccessfully to conceive. I have enough problems with intimacy, and this just makes me feel, well… broken and insufficient.😦
It is frustrating, isn’t it? The thing to keep in mind is that people mean well. They’re most likely trying to give you some hope that things are going to be okay, even if you just want commiseration.

How did I know that we were infertile? It was a very strong gut feeling, from the first month that we tried to conceive. 27 months later, that gut feeling hasn’t been proven wrong. The only difference is that I don’t think I’ve ever had a yeast infection and I did have clear thermal shifts with very regular cycles, and 12-14 day luteal periods for that past 15 months. If you’re really concerned, go and have it checked out. Just be prepared for a long haul of testing. We haven’t done it because 1) DH didn’t want to be tested, and I’m not going through my tests if he won’t (and before someone jumps in about male testing and morality, yes, we know, we’ve heard it a million times and that’s why there are perforated condoms), and 2) our new insurance doesn’t cover it.
It’s just kind of frustrating that almost no one takes me seriously since we aren’t trying unsuccessfully to conceive. I have enough problems with intimacy, and this just makes me feel, well… broken and insufficient.😦
Vluvski, please know I didn’t mean to not take you seriously. You do know your body better than we do. I’ve had a very bad week in terms of infertility and really just don’t want you or anyone to have to go through that pain.

Em’s right, see your gyn, bring your charts and together you can figure out where to start. My RE has also said that there is a counselor available who specializes in helping people dealing with infertility, so that may be an option too. My prayers are with you.
I second what everyone else has said regarding a visit to your ob/gyn. I knew from charting to avoid that I had a luteal phase defect. My doctor prescribed Clomid and I got pregnant with my twins on the first round. Fortunately, luteal phase defect is often easily treated. Good luck and keep us updated!
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