Ingratitude sin?

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When does ingratitude become a sin? For example if I do not thanks God in one day, am I committing a mortal sin?
I don’t know, some say ungratefulness is a sin while others say it’s not a sin. Today, st. Ignatius of Loyola and he say that ingratitude is a sin, so I ask how and when?
When does ingratitude become a sin? For example if I do not thanks God in one day, am I committing a mortal sin?
Saint Thomas Aquinas wrote in Summa Theologiae > Second Part of the Second Part > Question 107. Ingratitude > Article 3. Whether ingratitude is always a mortal sin?
I answer that, As appears from what we have said above (Article 2), a man may be ungrateful in two ways: first, by mere omission, for instance by failing to recognize the favor received, or to express his appreciation of it or to pay something in return, and this is not always a mortal sin, because, as stated above (II-II:106:6), the debt of gratitude requires a man to make a liberal return, which, however, he is not bound to do; wherefore if he fail to do so, he does not sin mortally. It is nevertheless a venial sin, because it arises either from some kind of negligence or from some disinclination to virtue in him. And yet ingratitude of this kind may happen to be a mortal sin, by reason either of inward contempt, or of the kind of thing withheld, this being needful to the benefactor, either simply, or in some case of necessity.

Secondly, a man may be ungrateful, because he not only omits to pay the debt of gratitude, but does the contrary. This again is sometimes mortal and sometimes a venial sin, according to the kind of thing that is done.

It must be observed, however, that when ingratitude arises from a mortal sin, it has the perfect character of ingratitude, and when it arises from venial sin, it has the imperfect character.
When does ingratitude become a sin? For example if I do not thanks God in one day, am I committing a mortal sin?
We get these “did I commit a mortal sin?” questions a lot around here, often from people who are scrupulous or have anxiety. The best thing you can do is discuss these concerns with your priest one on one. He will be way better equipped to help you than a bunch of anonymous people on the internet.
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