Here’s my situation:
Sunday he calls - having spent the last few days flipping through random passages of the bible looking for messages.
In summary
Lets go point by point
And don’t his locutions fall under the category of private revelations?
Can anyone give me advice on how to tactfully deal with this?
Another issue - we feel he’s raising the matter of a private ceremony for financial reasons. Whatever the reasons, I strongly feel my parents should be invited. They financed the whole annulment proceeding.
They did this even though they are protestant. They did this even though they do not believe in the whole process - they
simply wanted my wife and myself to start with a good foundation - without a lot of family dissension.
- In 2003 my first wife filed for divorce. She did not want to undergo counseling. She reasoned that “I don’t want kids - you can always file for an annulment and marry someone who does.” Divorce finalized that same year.
- I considered doing the logical thing - resorting to prayer and the sacraments
- Instead, I reacted out of hurt, and left the church. I proceeded to marry a catholic woman - but in a civil ceremony, without an annulment of the first marriage.
- But then had a correction of conscience, and filed for annulment. As of March of this year, it has been approved by the archdiocese. We are making arrangements to have our marriage regularized.
- Meanwhile…My wife fell, tearing several ligaments in one knee, the acl tendon in the other. Surgery, recovery, rehab. Then I found a great job I loved. Lost it 6 months later. I got plenty of temp work. But then my wifes disability benefits were suddenly cut off. I found a great permanent job opportunity - but was nudged out at the last minute by another candidate with a degree. Wife’s disability reinstated - then the dog goes down with Intervertebral disc disease. Paralyzed. But he recovers - is now standing and can walk a few steps. Thanks to doggie chiropractic.
- Deep pause for breath
So this Friday, my father in law calls. Sunday he’ll have a message from God. Explaining why all this is happening.
Sunday he calls - having spent the last few days flipping through random passages of the bible looking for messages.
In summary
- My wife and I are excommunicated
- We should attend mass- but not participate.
- We have no respect for the eucharist.
- God is punishing us, but sparing us because of my father-in-law’s intercession
- We are not to publicly celebrate the regularization of this marriage. We will have a private ceremony, with a priest of his choosing.
Lets go point by point
- I thought the excommunication of people in our situation was lifted back in 1977?
- This is flat wrong - John Paul II affirms the opposite in Familiaris Consortio
- Um - yes I do. That’s why, now that I know its against the rules, I don’t intend to receive the eucharist, until this situation is settled. That’s why my focus is now on adoration.
- Excuse me? What about Christ’s intercession?
- Isn’t this something that needs to be discussed with our parish priest? And done in accordance with canon law and the rules of the diocese? Furthermore - I thought you had to have special permission to celebrate a sacrament privately?
And don’t his locutions fall under the category of private revelations?
Can anyone give me advice on how to tactfully deal with this?
Another issue - we feel he’s raising the matter of a private ceremony for financial reasons. Whatever the reasons, I strongly feel my parents should be invited. They financed the whole annulment proceeding.
They did this even though they are protestant. They did this even though they do not believe in the whole process - they
simply wanted my wife and myself to start with a good foundation - without a lot of family dissension.