I have a protetant friend who likes inspirational &/or self help Christian books (like Joyce Myers).
I’d like to buy him an inspirational Catholic book for Christmas.
Just the something lighthearted and inspirational but that doesnt teach false things.
(Like it can have a Catholic theme, but not a direct apologetics book like Rome Sweet Home).
He likes this style of book and I’m not looking to try to argue him into Catholicism when he’s not ready.
I just want to get him something he might like while not directly pushing heresy.
I’d like to buy him an inspirational Catholic book for Christmas.
Just the something lighthearted and inspirational but that doesnt teach false things.
(Like it can have a Catholic theme, but not a direct apologetics book like Rome Sweet Home).
He likes this style of book and I’m not looking to try to argue him into Catholicism when he’s not ready.
I just want to get him something he might like while not directly pushing heresy.