Inspirational Books (that dont conflict with Catholic teachings)

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I have a protetant friend who likes inspirational &/or self help Christian books (like Joyce Myers).
I’d like to buy him an inspirational Catholic book for Christmas.

Just the something lighthearted and inspirational but that doesnt teach false things.
(Like it can have a Catholic theme, but not a direct apologetics book like Rome Sweet Home).

He likes this style of book and I’m not looking to try to argue him into Catholicism when he’s not ready.
I just want to get him something he might like while not directly pushing heresy.
When I hear lighthearted, inspirational, and Catholic, I think of Matthew Kelly of Dynamic Catholic. His book “Perfectly Yourself” seems loosely based on St. Ignatius’ “Spiritual Exercises” and is more Christian than Catholic specifically.

Additionally, I really like his book “Rediscovering Catholicism”, which, as you might imagine from the title, is more specifically Catholic (e.g., why Catholicism is awesome, some awesome Catholics, and how to be an awesome Catholic).

Both of these books are available at Dynamic Catholic for free (with a $5.95 shipping charge).
Years ago I read “God Delights in You” by John Catoir, and this might be a good choice for your friend. Fr. John was the director of The Christophers for many years, and their mission is, “to challenge people of all faiths and no particular faith to believe in their own power to change this world for the better with the help of God.” This book looks to be out of print now, but copies are still available. Or maybe one of Fr. John’s more recent books.
The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis is always a good one. It has found a well loved place even within Protestant circles. John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist Church wrote that the Imitation directly influenced his conversion. It breaks down following Christ into short lessons which are easy to read. The first three books of the Imitation (if I remember correctly) can be directly used by Protestants (1: practical lessons, 2: how to turn inward to foster a relationship with Christ, 3: how to deepen that spiritual relationship through interior practices). The fourth book is on the Blessed Sacrament. After reading the first three books and seeing value, he may continue and read about the Eucharist and become interested.

It was the Christian self-help book of the fifteenth century. And stood as one of the primary standards for about 200 years until St. Francis de Sales’ Introduction to the Devout Life. This one would be excellent as a self-help book as it was written from letters of practical spiritual direction to a lay person, but it is much more blatantly Catholic in its original format, although it isn’t outright focused on conversion. This book is also widely favored by Protestants, although mainly though Protestant editions which abridge over certain chapters and do some translation gymnastics to avoid certain topics.

God Bless,
Br. Ben, CRM
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