Institute of Christ the King Oblates

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Does anyone personally know anything about these oblates? Seems to be only for men and there is an age requirement (18-40).

The Birth of the Oblatehood.
In the beginning years, the Institute of Christ the King was joined by young men who felt a strong vocation to the community life but without having a calling to serve the Lord as priests. These young men decided to offer their many talents to Christ the King by helping the priestly members of the Institute in their daily apostolic duties in many different ways. They are so dedicated to this service and linked to the work of our priests that sometimes, overwhelmed by the enormous demand for the Institute’s assistance, they have frequently been called the “guardian angels of the priests.”
Formation Program
The Formation Program
The candidates for the oblatehood have a five-year-long training in one of our houses in their native country. This training comprises an introduction to Latin and French (as far as that is necessary) learning thoroughly about the Institute’ spirituality and liturgy, and an ongoing study of the Church’s doctrine and history. In addition, the oblates are schooled to use their respective talents even better for the greater glory of God. They may even be asked to pursue practical or academic studies pertaining to their responsibility in the Institute of Christ the King.
The Life of the Oblate
The Life of the Oblate
Our oblates dedicate their many talentsOur oblates come from various nations and age levels, backgrounds and schooling. Some have worked in very responsible places in the world and others have just decided after high school to serve Christ the Sovereign Priest.
They are an integral part of our Institute and are considered full members with all of the rights and duties that this entails. According to their skills and preparation, they work in all kinds of positions within the Institute: deacon, art director, office administrator, majordomo, sacristan, teacher, gardener, organist, accountant, or cook. They take part in all of our official liturgies and are trained to participate in different functions to enhance the solemnity of our liturgical celebrations.
Nice Vocation video.

This seems like a good vocation for young men who attend the EF and feel called to secular ministry.
There are several at the Chicago headquarters. One, Abbe Georg, does pretty much everything. And it is true that they are the guardian angels of priests because some the priests in the U.S. are from other countries, so the oblates help them adapt to U.S. culture.

I’ve always wondered why Institute members speak in French amongst themselves, as it seems it would be better if Latin was the in-house language. 🤷
There are several at the Chicago headquarters. One, Abbe Georg, does pretty much everything. And it is true that they are the guardian angels of priests because some the priests in the U.S. are from other countries, so the oblates help them adapt to U.S. culture.

I’ve always wondered why Institute members speak in French amongst themselves, as it seems it would be better if Latin was the in-house language. 🤷
I’ve only met one Institute priest and he is French. 😃
Does anyone know if they have ever accepted anyone over 40 as an oblate ?. I am 40+ and attend an ICKSP church and would love the opportunity to consider this, but would be a little afraid of bringing it up because I am over the age limit
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