Here’s the scenario…
Two fallen away catholics. Both are now looking at coming back to the church and enrolled in RCIA. Their kids are attending classes to be received in the church as well. Hooray! BTW, I believe the Passion of the Christ had an influence on their decision. Now, getting to the point. The male in this scenario had been married in the church before and is divorced. The couples current marriage was a civil marriage. I’ve instructed them to begin the annulment process, which they have. I basically told them that in the eyes of the church he is still married to his first wife and committing adultery. Asked why that was the case I pointed them to the passage in the gospels that states, “what God has joined, let no man separate”. Asked why they need to get an annulment I responded with the passage about not inheriting heaven if you they are committing adultery. I did this with as much charity as possible. It’s not easy telling someone they are commiting a mortal sin. As a result, the wife is very understanding and has decided to abstain from any intimate relations with her husband until their annulment is final. Well, the husband is not too happy with this now and is giving her a hard time about it. I’m not feeling to good about this. Did I do the right thing? Can you offer any advice?
Sorry if the thread is confusing.
God bless…
Two fallen away catholics. Both are now looking at coming back to the church and enrolled in RCIA. Their kids are attending classes to be received in the church as well. Hooray! BTW, I believe the Passion of the Christ had an influence on their decision. Now, getting to the point. The male in this scenario had been married in the church before and is divorced. The couples current marriage was a civil marriage. I’ve instructed them to begin the annulment process, which they have. I basically told them that in the eyes of the church he is still married to his first wife and committing adultery. Asked why that was the case I pointed them to the passage in the gospels that states, “what God has joined, let no man separate”. Asked why they need to get an annulment I responded with the passage about not inheriting heaven if you they are committing adultery. I did this with as much charity as possible. It’s not easy telling someone they are commiting a mortal sin. As a result, the wife is very understanding and has decided to abstain from any intimate relations with her husband until their annulment is final. Well, the husband is not too happy with this now and is giving her a hard time about it. I’m not feeling to good about this. Did I do the right thing? Can you offer any advice?
Sorry if the thread is confusing.
God bless…