I have had a wonderful and hope filled afternoon reading the working document that has come from the curia in Rome following the recent synod on the Eucharist. They have released a working document called “INSTRUMENTUM LABORIS” which sets down the vision of the synod in relation to the wonderful sacrament of the Eucharist.
If the proposals are established by each Bishop in every Diocese then we are in for a wonderful springtime in the Church.
The link for the summary of the document is: proecclesia.com/page_pronews.htm
The full document can be found here: vatican.va/roman_curia/synod/documents/rc_synod_doc_20050707_instrlabor-xi-assembly_en.html
Let all know about it. Print out the summary and study it well. Make copies of it and make sure that each and every sincere Catholic knows about this document as it has wonderful promise.
God Bless.
If the proposals are established by each Bishop in every Diocese then we are in for a wonderful springtime in the Church.
The link for the summary of the document is: proecclesia.com/page_pronews.htm
The full document can be found here: vatican.va/roman_curia/synod/documents/rc_synod_doc_20050707_instrlabor-xi-assembly_en.html
Let all know about it. Print out the summary and study it well. Make copies of it and make sure that each and every sincere Catholic knows about this document as it has wonderful promise.
God Bless.