I’m very new to the Catholic Church, and plan to convert next fall through RCIA. While I had SOME religious upbringing and attended church sometimes, not only am I dissatisfied with my knowledge of Catholicism (which I am learning every day more and more) but also with scripture, the stories, everything, in general.
What would you recommend, as far as books or bible studies, to aid me in an intensive study of scripture and the Catholic faith alike, as basically a beginner? I am extremely interested in apologetics, but I know I need to start at square one. I want to know, understand, everything, as much and as thoroughly as possible.
I’ve looked through and seen some of the threads talking about certain bible study websites…that would suit me fine, too, but the one I saw mentioned only has one “beginner” course it seems, and I’m just not sure where to start.
I would love ANY advice/resources. Websites, books, methods of Bible study, whatever!
I’m very new to the Catholic Church, and plan to convert next fall through RCIA. While I had SOME religious upbringing and attended church sometimes, not only am I dissatisfied with my knowledge of Catholicism (which I am learning every day more and more) but also with scripture, the stories, everything, in general.
What would you recommend, as far as books or bible studies, to aid me in an intensive study of scripture and the Catholic faith alike, as basically a beginner? I am extremely interested in apologetics, but I know I need to start at square one. I want to know, understand, everything, as much and as thoroughly as possible.
I’ve looked through and seen some of the threads talking about certain bible study websites…that would suit me fine, too, but the one I saw mentioned only has one “beginner” course it seems, and I’m just not sure where to start.
I would love ANY advice/resources. Websites, books, methods of Bible study, whatever!