Intercessory prayers

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With all the many needs in the world today (conversion of sinners, souls in purgatory, holiness of priests, vocations, end to abortion, peace, the poor, the sick, the dying, etc.) plus those of ourselves and our loved ones, I’m wondering – how do people here pray for them? Do you all have certain moments in your prayer time where you pray for all the needs of your loved ones and those of the world? Or do you all pray for a different intention each day?

I normally pray for as many as I can remember before I go to sleep. The list has gotten quie lengthly over the past 6 years as I have developed an active prayer life. However, throughout the day, I pray for special intetnions as they come to mind or another asks. Lastly, at Mass, I usually have a couple of special inentions as I ask others before I go. Thanks and God Bless.
I have a ‘standard’ list that keeps growing … to be saved from the fires of hell, for my departed parents and other ancestors that have gone before me, for our past and present Pope, for the forgetten souls in prugatory that have no one to pray for them, for the conversion of sinners, for protection for those in our armed services, for health of mind & mind for my family members, for peace in the world, etc.
I have an ever changing list in my mind which I pray for morning and evening and sometimes at various times throughout a day. I also have a standard ever growing list which I view and pray for maybe once a month.
Here’s the standard list that DH and I pray whenever we bless our meals together:

that all non-Catholics will come to the Catholic Church (that includes anti-lifers, of course, which means those who like contraception, abortion, euthanasia, etc.)

for an end to abortion, contraception and euthanasia

for all of our friends and family

I love praying the rosary because it’s a great chance to pray for tons of people. Sometimes I find it hard to focus on the mysteries because I keep thinking of people to pray for! Three college girls I know are joining convents…please pray for them. I’m very excited for them. Here’s a list of prayer requests if you’re short on people to pray for:

my Mother my Confidence,
Sir Knight:
I have a ‘standard’ list that keeps growing … to be saved from the fires of hell, for my departed parents and other ancestors that have gone before me, for our past and present Pope, for the forgetten souls in prugatory that have no one to pray for them, for the conversion of sinners, for protection for those in our armed services, for health of mind & mind for my family members, for peace in the world, etc.
But when and how do you pray for them? In your daily rosary? In your Chaplet of Divine Mercy? During the intercessions part of Morning and Evening Prayer of the Liturgy of the Hours? Or do you just simply say at some point in the day, “Lord, remember such-and-such”?
With all the many needs in the world today (conversion of sinners, souls in purgatory, holiness of priests, vocations, end to abortion, peace, the poor, the sick, the dying, etc.) plus those of ourselves and our loved ones, I’m wondering – how do people here pray for them? Do you all have certain moments in your prayer time where you pray for all the needs of your loved ones and those of the world? Or do you all pray for a different intention each day?
I offer my intentions when I say the rosary, when I pray before bed, and when I’m at mass - especially during communion when Jesus is right there.

I asked my priest this question awhile back as I felt like there were so many people and situations to pray for, and I felt guilty if I forgot someone during the day.

He said the best solution is to make sure to pray the Morning Offering, lifting up all you do during the day as a prayer. Mine goes something like this:

Dear Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary I offer you my day – my works, rest, prayers, joys and sufferings, in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world, for the intentions of Your Most Sacred Heart, in reparation for our sins, for the intentions of my friends and family, for Our Holy Father Pope Benedict the 16th, for all poor souls in purgatory, and for whoever is in most need of your mercy and grace.

Later as I pray throughout the day, I try to remember more of the specific requests, but always end with “and for whoever else I have promised to pray for,” because I do forget!
Yes the list gets longer but it is so important. Since I learned about Healing of the Family Tree, I pray for all those of my side of the family who have died and may possibly be in Purgatory affecting the lives of my present family. I remember to forgive them everything and for them to forgive me. A lot of good has come about for my family since I began doing these prayers at home and at Mass.

“Don’t tell the Lord how big the problem is,
tell the problem how big the Lord is.”
I pray many times throughout the course of the day for various causes, when you think of somthin that needs help, pray for it.
God Bless,
But when and how do you pray for them? In your daily rosary? In your Chaplet of Divine Mercy? During the intercessions part of Morning and Evening Prayer of the Liturgy of the Hours? Or do you just simply say at some point in the day, “Lord, remember such-and-such”?
It’s my own prayer that I created using portions of existing prayers and my own words …

Blessed are You, Lord God of all creation, Through your goodness, You have blessed me with everything that I now have and possess. I thank you for all of the many gifts and blessings that you have bestowed upon me now, and through out my entire life. All of the many things that I so very often take for granted such as my health, the gift of my five sences, the use of my arms, legs, feet & hands; my wife & family, my … (you get the idea 😉 ) I offer up to You today, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary all of my prayers, works, joys and suffering of this day, in union with the holy sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world, in reparation for all of my sins, for the reunion of Christiandom and in special intention of having Thy heavenly assistance in every aspect of my life. In particular, guide me in my role as husband & father. Bless and watch over my family protecting them from harm, danger and the snares of the evil one. Grant eternal rest to my parents and ancestors who have gone before me. May they be welcomed into your heavenly kingdom. Watch over Pope Pope Benedict XVI. Bless him with health of mind & body so that he may effectively lead your church here on earth. Eternal rest grant to John Paul II and all of the forgotten souls in purgatory who no longer have anyone to pray for them. Protect those in our armed services and watch over them as they service to protect us. (and so on and so on)**

… I’ve been saying this type of prayer for YEARS and exeption with minor adjustments here and there, I pretty much can repeat it word for word from memory. After I’m done, I ask the Holy Spirit to guide me in my thoughts, words and deeds so that I may act and pray in a manner that is pleasing to almighty God. I then conclude with the traditional prayers of the Our Father, Hail Mary, Creed, Rosary, etc.
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