Both revolved around the “correlation” vs. “causation”.
In the first one (actually several ones) the topic was the brain’s electrochemical activity and the working of the mind. I (and many others) pointed out thousands of experiments, all of which show that the brain’s electrochemical activities go “hand-in-hand” with our mind: namely thoughts, decisions, feelings, emotions, memory storage and recall, experiencing pain or pleasure … etc. We also pointed out that we can “artificially” invoke these actions of the mind by “exciting” certain areas of the brain with mild electrical current, or stimulating them with properly selected chemicals.
The other parties invariably retorted with “correlation does not mean causation”.
In the other set of conversations I brought up the canonization of late John Paul. A woman in Costa Rica claimed that she prayed to the late John Paul, who in turn interceded on her behalf, and thus her condition was “miraculously” cured. The point here is that the Vatican was convinced that the cure was a “causative” result of the prayer. No “correlation” there! You can read it here: uk.reuters.com/article/uk-pope-saints-miracle-idUKBREA3N1P920140424 The answer of the other parties was: "obviously there was a causative chain there: “prayer → intercession → miracle → cure”. If there would not, no canonization would have been merited. Canonization is not just given out willy-nilly, the “miracle” must be firmly established, not just “claimed”.
So, on one hand hundreds of thousands of verified and verifiable experiments are swept aside as “irrelevant correlations”, without any scientific value; while on the other hand just one anecdotal claim (unverified and unverifiable) has been declared to have sufficient explanatory value to be part of the canonization process.
Your thoughts?
In the first one (actually several ones) the topic was the brain’s electrochemical activity and the working of the mind. I (and many others) pointed out thousands of experiments, all of which show that the brain’s electrochemical activities go “hand-in-hand” with our mind: namely thoughts, decisions, feelings, emotions, memory storage and recall, experiencing pain or pleasure … etc. We also pointed out that we can “artificially” invoke these actions of the mind by “exciting” certain areas of the brain with mild electrical current, or stimulating them with properly selected chemicals.
The other parties invariably retorted with “correlation does not mean causation”.
In the other set of conversations I brought up the canonization of late John Paul. A woman in Costa Rica claimed that she prayed to the late John Paul, who in turn interceded on her behalf, and thus her condition was “miraculously” cured. The point here is that the Vatican was convinced that the cure was a “causative” result of the prayer. No “correlation” there! You can read it here: uk.reuters.com/article/uk-pope-saints-miracle-idUKBREA3N1P920140424 The answer of the other parties was: "obviously there was a causative chain there: “prayer → intercession → miracle → cure”. If there would not, no canonization would have been merited. Canonization is not just given out willy-nilly, the “miracle” must be firmly established, not just “claimed”.
So, on one hand hundreds of thousands of verified and verifiable experiments are swept aside as “irrelevant correlations”, without any scientific value; while on the other hand just one anecdotal claim (unverified and unverifiable) has been declared to have sufficient explanatory value to be part of the canonization process.
Your thoughts?