I was raised in an “interfaith” family (my mother is Catholic and my father was Protestant, he has since converted). We attended my grandmother’s Baptist church when we visited, but would also attend Mass at the local parish.
My sister and I were raised Catholic, and as far as I know, my father was very open to this. When he wasn’t TDY, he would attend Mass with my mother, sister and I. He, and my cousin, came into the church about 10 or so years ago.
I am marrying a young man who was raised baptist, and we are raising my daughter, and our subequent children, as Catholics. He has been attending a Catholic University, and (at the very least) repects the traditions and longevity of the Church and it’s teachings.
I personally, see no problem with Inter-faith couples, as long as the non-Catholic is open to raising the children Catholic and teaching them the faith.