Interpretations of Daniel

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How do Catholics interpret Daniel? Are there any comprehensive websites to address this? (As some may know, some anti-Catholics interpret the little horn to mean the Papacy, or whatever.)
Archbishop 10-K:
How do Catholics interpret Daniel? Are there any comprehensive websites to address this? (As some may know, some anti-Catholics interpret the little horn to mean the Papacy, or whatever.)
I don’t have a website to refer you to, but I am currently reading **Rapture: The End-Times Error That Leaves the Bible Behind, **by David B. currie. It has an exceptional in depth look at Daniel, and how it is twisted to conform to the modern idea of the rapture.
Have a great day,

It is my understanding the Daniel prophecied to the first wave of the southern kingdom’s exiles in Babylon (~605 BC). It a wonderfully rich writing, that has clear prefigurements of Jesus’ divinity (Dan 2:34, stone, not cut by human hands, Jesus conceived by the Holy Spirit) and his eternal place on the “throne of David” in the everlasting Kingdom (Dan 2:44).

In reviewing the index of citations in the Catechism of the Catholic Church there are only 8 articles that use direct references to Daniel: 2416-kind treatment of animals; 678-last judgement; 440-service; 664-eternal kingdom; 330-angels; 992,998-resurrection of the dead; 2112-prohibition of idolatry.

From the Appendix of the RSV Catholic Edition
The actual writing is dated in the second century BC.
In the first part … the main purpose is to exult the God of Israel over the gods of the pagans…In the second part…the aim is equally to exult the God of Israel, but…through a series of visions…The authors aims at sustaining the faith of the people of God during difficult times…
For one Catholic perspective on the Book of Daniel, I suggest the introduction to the Book of Daniel, as well as, the footnotes that accompany the New American Bible text found at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ website,

It might also be useful to read what is said in the introduction to the Book of Revelation, as well as, the footnotes that accompany the New American Bible text found at the same website,

In this Catholic perspective, the little horn in Daniel 7:8 refers to the Seleucid King Antiochus IV Epiphanes (175-163 B.C.); the first beast in Revelation 13:1-8 represents the Roman empire and the seven heads represent the Roman emperors, especially Nero (54-68 A.D.). Caesar Nero = 666
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