How do you reconcile this:
“Especially in the case of abortion there is a widespread use of ambiguous terminology, such as ‘interruption of pregnancy’, which tends to hide abortion’s true nature and to attenuate its seriousness in public opinion. Perhaps this linguistic phenomenon is itself a symptom of an uneasiness of conscience. But no word has the power to change the reality of things: procured abortion is the deliberate and direct killing, by whatever means it is carried out, of a human being in the initial phase of his or her existence, extending from conception to birth.”
Pope John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae, No. 58
With this:
“I join with the Italian bishops in hoping for courageous educational action in favour of human life. Every life is sacred! Let us promote the culture of life as a response to the logic of rejected and to the falling birth rate; let us be close to and together pray for the babies who are at risk of the interruption of pregnancy, as well as those who are at the end of their life – every life is sacred! – so that no-one be left alone and that love defend the meaning of life. Let us remember the words of Mother Theresa of Calcutta: “Life is beautiful, admire it; life is life, defend it!”, both with the as yet unborn child and the person who is close to death: every life is sacred! I greet all those who work for life, the lecturers of the Roman universities and all those who collaborate in forming the new generations, so that they may be capable of building a society that is welcoming and worthy of every person”.
Pope Francis
“Especially in the case of abortion there is a widespread use of ambiguous terminology, such as ‘interruption of pregnancy’, which tends to hide abortion’s true nature and to attenuate its seriousness in public opinion. Perhaps this linguistic phenomenon is itself a symptom of an uneasiness of conscience. But no word has the power to change the reality of things: procured abortion is the deliberate and direct killing, by whatever means it is carried out, of a human being in the initial phase of his or her existence, extending from conception to birth.”
Pope John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae, No. 58
With this:
“I join with the Italian bishops in hoping for courageous educational action in favour of human life. Every life is sacred! Let us promote the culture of life as a response to the logic of rejected and to the falling birth rate; let us be close to and together pray for the babies who are at risk of the interruption of pregnancy, as well as those who are at the end of their life – every life is sacred! – so that no-one be left alone and that love defend the meaning of life. Let us remember the words of Mother Theresa of Calcutta: “Life is beautiful, admire it; life is life, defend it!”, both with the as yet unborn child and the person who is close to death: every life is sacred! I greet all those who work for life, the lecturers of the Roman universities and all those who collaborate in forming the new generations, so that they may be capable of building a society that is welcoming and worthy of every person”.
Pope Francis