there has been some discussion about PROTESTANTS and invincible ignorance…it seems as if some people are forgetting the word INVINCIBLE…OBVIOUSLY , most Protestants dont know that the Catholic church is the one true Church…( some will quote vatican II when it says “if aNYONE knows the Catholic church is the one true Church and refuses to enter it he cannot be saved” but this does not exclude those who dont know it is the Church but it is tHEIR FAULT THAT THEY DONT KNOW) but this is where the word INVINCIBLE comEs in…IT HAS TO BE THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN THAT THEY ARE NOT CATHOLIC…so just because a Protestant doesnt know he should enter the Church THAT DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLY EXCLUDE HIM FroM DAMNATION…he may have culpable ignorance…i aslo understand that we dont know who has culpable or invincible ignorance… so my point is that we should warn all that they may run the risk of going to hell if they do not accept God’s truth…ur approach u take when doing this is ur decision… some may favor the hard approach and same may favor the softer… but that is an opinion and a prudential decision…i personally think we need a combination of both…also i quoted from Pat madrid’s debate that “many of u run the risk of going to hell for not entering the catholic church…” i said earlier that using the word “all” here is appropriate because again we dont know who is culpable and who is not…and they very well could end up in hell… catholics themselves run the risk of going to hell (although for other reasons, not for rejecting church teaching) so all the more for Protestants and other religions—so please people stop implying that just because someone is ignornant they are ok—they are not, anyone who is not a catholic needs to be become or risk eternal damnation… sorry but jesus made similar warnings when he said …“he who does not believe in Hm is already judged because he does not believe in the only Begotten Son of God.” John 3:18