Ireland; priest crisis

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This came out in the county where I live this week.

Many priests are now driving from one church to the next for Mass on narrow Irish roads and considerable distances in rural areas and little hope of any renewal or amelioration.

The hardest for me is Father Pat Moore who I have known for years and is an outstanding priest whose presence will be greatly missed
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This came out in the county where I live this week.

Many priests are now driving from one church to the next for Mass on narrow Irish roads and considerable distances in rural areas and little hope of any renewal or amelioration.

The hardest for me is Father Pat Moore who I have known for years and is an outstanding priest whose presence will be greatly missed
That’s the same in Britain and elsewhere in Western Europpe.
The promotion of contraception, homosexuality, and abortion will only lead to smaller families and less and less vocations. The birth rate is down Italy, UK, USA and other Western countries so we can expect more of this until Catholics become counter cultural.
The promotion of contraception, homosexuality, and abortion will only lead to smaller families and less and less vocations. The birth rate is down Italy, UK, USA and other Western countries so we can expect more of this until Catholics become counter cultural.
Ah no. Those are not the reasons here. I have found that being a Catholic in Ireland is not like being a Catholic anywhere else in the world.

Ireland seeded and planted the world for Rome.

The degree and amount of clerical child abuse is what has broken the Church here. That has to be faced.
What Ireland needs to face is whether or nor they believe in God, or men. Blind obedience is not the same as worship.
There are wonderful priests in Ireland, I’m especially thinking of Fr. Frank Fahey at Ballintubber.
We need to support them and encourage people to keep their young sons around good and holy, learned, and happy priests.
They are out there. But if the pews are empty???
The promotion of contraception, homosexuality, and abortion will only lead to smaller families and less and less vocations. The birth rate is down Italy, UK, USA and other Western countries so we can expect more of this until Catholics become counter cultural.
All the great societies formed to prevent human cruelty and death, the EU, Amnesty International, USA, United Nations, are all pushing abortion which has killed 1.2 billion in this century alone.

Compared to World War One and Two which killed 80 million.

Abortion has murdered 1,000% more human beings than World War One and Two put together
An interesting “thing” taking place here in Australia has been a very noticed uptick in Vocations particularly for the priest-hood since 2000.

Things have to get worse before they can get better, I think. We have to admit to, accept and deal with the glaring issues of the past. I expect things in Ireland will eventually improve.

An interesting fact I’ve read about is the dramatic uptick in vocations particularly for so-called conservative orders like the FSSP and ICKSP, with those orders producing the bulk of priests in France, for example. Now, whether those facts are accurate or not, I’m not sure. However, I have to wonder whether a rather unapologetic approach to the faith might be the result? I see us Catholics beating about the bush on issues too much, rather than telling it for what it is, and being done with it.
This article only refers to Diocesan priests. It’s a much different story if you look at the numbers joining the Religious orders in Ireland. Just last Saturday, I attended the Dominican Ordinations in Dublin. They ordained eight young men to the priesthood. They also have fifteen or more young men in formation.

In Ireland, there is a big problem with diocesan vocations, there is no doubt about that. However part of that is the fault of certain Bishops who neglect the promotion of vocations, and there is also fault with the staff at the national seminary, who have contributed to a culture of fear, and dissent at against Church teaching in the seminary. Many young men who are turned away from the seminary due to more traditional beliefs are turning to the religious orders. Proportionally, there are many more vocations going to the orders than the diocese. I suspect that in the coming years, we in Ireland will see many more religious priests being put in charge of parishes because of the lack of diocesan priests.

Yes, there is a vocations problem in Ireland, but it could be turned around by the installation of a few new Bishops with the right attitude.
Ah no. Those are not the reasons here. I have found that being a Catholic in Ireland is not like being a Catholic anywhere else in the world.

Ireland seeded and planted the world for Rome.

The degree and amount of clerical child abuse is what has broken the Church here. That has to be faced.
It has been faced. I would argue that there is actually no safer place in Ireland for a child to be today, than at a Catholic Church run event. I was involved in child protection with a Catholic youth organisation in Ireland for over ten years. The problem is no longer how to protect children, but how to involve them in church activities because many clerics are too scared to interact with children.
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