Irish Catholic Saints For All Of April

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****** the title should read for all the rest of April, as the earlier days are already posted** ****

Ruadhan (Ruadan) (d. 584). One of the “Twelve Apostles of Ireland,” and abbot-founder. He was born in Leinster, Ireland, and was a disciple of St. Finan of Clonard. He was the founder of the monastery of Lothra, in Tipperary, which had one hundred and fifty monks. Feast day: April 15.

Molios (Laserian, Laisren, Molaise) (d. 639). Abbot, bishop and papal legate, brother of St. Goban. He was born in Ireland and was a monk on Iona, Scotland. He went to Rome and was ordained by Pope St. Gregory I “The Great” (r. 590-604). Returning to Ireland, he supported Roman liturgical images, and went back to Rome with a group to have Pope Honorius I (r. 625-638) settle the dispute. He was made a bishop and papal legate to Ireland. In 637, he succeeded his brother, St. Goban, as abbot of Leighlin. Feast day: April 18.

Bitheus and Genocus (d. 6th century). The British monks who accompanied St. Finain of Clonard to Ireland. The two were both acclaimed for their holiness and for their evangelizing zeal among the Irish. Feast day: April 18.

Cogitosus the Thinker (d. 8th century). Monk of Kildare, Ireland, and the biographer of St. Brigid. This work is invaluable because of its details of St. Brigid in the era in which she lived. He is known as “The Confessor of Kildare.” Feast day: April 18.

Iberius (Ibar, Ivor) (d. 5th century). Missionary to Ireland. With Sts. Ciaran, Ailbhe, Declan, and others, he evangelized the two kingdoms of Leinster and Meath. He perhaps predated St. Patrick in Ireland, although Patrick is generally considered the first successful missionary among the Irish. He also founded Begger Monastery on the island of Beg-Eire. Feast day: April 23.

Macaille (Maccail) (d. 489). Bishop of Croghan, Offaly, Ireland, a disciple of St. Mel. He was one of the prelates receiving the vows of St. Brigid. Feast day: April 25.

Mella (d.c. 780). Widow and abbess she was the mother of St. Cannech and Tigernach, and lived in Connaught, Ireland. She became the abbess of Doire-Melle, Leitrim, Ireland. Feast day: April 25.

Cronan of Roscrea (d.c. 626). Founder and hermit in Ireland. He was the son of Odran, born in Munster, or possibly Ely O’Carroll, Offaly, Ireland. Cronan founded fifty monasteries, the first at Puay and the most famous at Roscrea. He ended his life as a blind hermit. Feast day: April 28.

Dichu (d. 5th century). First Convert of Saint Patrick in Ulster, Ireland. He is listed as a swineherd in some lists and in others as a the son of an Ulster chieftain. Opposed to Patrick originally, Dichu converted and gave Patrick a church in Saul, the capital of Lecale in County Down, Ulster, Ireland. Feast day: April 29.

Fiachan (d. 7th century). Monk of Lismore Abbey, disciple of Carthage the Younger, native of Munster, Ireland. Feast Day: April 29.
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