Ooh I have been where you are and I’d love to share my experience.
My periods started getting irregular when I was 18, and thankfully, not sexually active. My Catholic-pro-life OBGYN recommended the pill to “Regulate” my cycles. I now am grateful to him for telling me about the pill’s abortifacent properties as I may have chosen to stay on it once married.
Taking the pill made me feel agressive, encouraged weight gain, and just wasn’t my cup of tea. Nonetheless, I stayed on it for about 5 years. When I went off of it, my cycles resumed their irregularity.
When we were married and starting to try to have children, my cycles were so messed up. My period started the day after our wedding and lasted. . . . 3 months. Then my periods basically stopped. We went through traditional infertility and after being told we had no chance of conceiving, conceiving (miracle) and miscarrying, we decided to adopt.
Several months passed and as we were starting the adoption process, I had no less than 15 people (one an on-line acquaintance in Australia!) tell me to call the Pope Paul VI institute for a second opinion. I am blessed to be in their same town, but they work with people across the country and have physicians trained in their methods also located elsewhere. I skeptically called their office and made an appointment.
The doctor there, Dr. Hilgers, was different from anyone I had ever seen. He looked at my history and basically told me he thought he knew what was wrong with me and he could fix it. He did surgery on me a year ago and I have had near picture-perfect cycles since. He also cautioned me that left untreated, I was risking heart disease, cancer, or other problems. It isn’t good not to have periods!
Well one year later, we are still working on adopting and/or getting pregnant. This may be our month as our homestudy will be complete in only a few more weeks and… I am 2 days late for the first time in a year with confirmed ovulation! I definitely encourage you to get a second opinion and if possible to have it come from a doctor trained by the PPVI institute.