Irreverent Communion in Novus Ordo

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I mean, I have the opportunity to go to traditional Latin Mass at least once a month and the receiving of communion is just so different with much more piety and reverence, kneeling, in the tongue…

However, in my town Novus Ordo mass is the known standing in the hand deal with a lot of women extraordinary ministers, priest in tunic and stole (no chasuble), modern country music with guitars, almost everybody communicating even a lot of people that go to mass only sporadically and rarely or never to confession, women in very inappropriate clothing…

I go to these masses anyway to fullfil my Sunday obligation and of love and respect to Christ, but would it be right or wrong to communicate only in tridentine mass? On one hand I feel so bumped out and stressed with all the irreverence and banality with the treatment of the Eucharist in my NO mass. On the other hand, I don’t want to “abandon Christ”.

What do you think? Have you had similar experiences?
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I am not talking about anyone specifically, I am talking with a generalized environment of irreverence, that it is crystal clear. It is the situation in my parish specifically. I found funny that you guys are just saying that I am wrong, can’t tell why (not too charitable) and doesn’t seem to be trying to understand the situation.
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No one here can can help you as we don’t go to your parish. What you describe is not part of or because of the form of the Mass. You need to speak with your priest.
He asked a question, a legitimate question, and you called it offensive… the generalizations he has made are made by countless others so I would argue that there is something going on worth asking about.
Yes, thank you. I am just asking if it is ok to choose to communicate only in more reverent masses. It is a simple question that doesn’t require to know my parish or get so offended.
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I would say that based on everything I have seen and read… this is something that is more prevalent in the Ordinary Form of the mass. It doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the cause of it alone, there are many factors, many of which are personal to each person that could contribute.
I close my eyes during mass to rid myself of distractions and feeling stress over irrevent clothing, people etc.

A few other suggestions that I have found helpful for myself.

Receive from the priest if the EMHC situation makes you uncomfortable. This may require some strategic positioning in where you sit.

Offer prayers of reparation for the irreverence and offer your discomfort for an intention. Remind yourself that Our Lord is still present in the Eucharist despite these things.

Look into any religious orders in your area that may have mass open to the public, especially cloistered religious. These are often very reverent.

It took me a while to find a good balance. I also prefer the EF but have been to many OF masses of varying reverence. The eye closing thing really helped me in tuning out liturgical wackiness that would just make me feel mad the entire mass (which is not the point of being there). God bless.
I did not say his asking a question was offensive. His characterization of how everyone is less pious, or reverent, women Eucharistic ministers, and judgements on music, clothing and people not going to mass often is offensive, yes.
It is really amazing. Just irony, without a clear and serious answer. Just say one thing that is offensive specifically and why.
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I am describing my parish!! It is a abundantly clear environment of lesser reverence. It is clear. How a description of a fact can be offensive?
that an ordinary form is less reverent than an extraordinary form.

That women as EMHCs is irreverent.

That receiving standing up is irreverent

That the extraordinary form is more reverent

That the way women dress is irreverent.
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