Is a One-World religion, bad?

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Is the idea of a One-World religion bad?

I’ve seen Pope Francis speaking lately and he hints strongly at having a One-World religion. But from what I’ve read, I’ve heard that this is a precursor to or what the Antichrist establishes.

Anyone know?
Any kind of theocracy would be very bad indeed for the simple reason that what would happen to those who disagree or don’t believe 100% of the religion? Would they be free to practice theirs? Would all other religions or lack thereof be banned or punishable by law? Freedom to believe is paramount and so is respecting and tolerating others with different or no religious affiliation.
Well, eventually there will be only one religion–Christ. He established his Church to be universal when he commanded his Apostles to go into the whole world to baptize, and teach all that he gave them. So, the Church is meant to be the one religion of the world.

There’s nothing inherently sinister in the whole world having one religion–what’s sinister is the whole world following the wrong religion, and we are quickly getting there, only the religion that’s being foisted on us isn’t one that worships God, it’s secularism–the synthesis of all the anti-religions that have risen in modern times, such as existentialism, socialism, communism, etc. All the isms that deny God and put man at the center of worship.
Any kind of theocracy would be very bad indeed for the simple reason that what would happen to those who disagree or don’t believe 100% of the religion? Would they be free to practice theirs? Would all other religions or lack thereof be banned or punishable by law? Freedom to believe is paramount and so is respecting and tolerating others with different or no religious affiliation.
This is why the Church supports freedom of religion. The Church’s mission is to evangelize, all right, but by the free will of believers. It’s true that when secular governments tangle themselves up with any religion the temptation to interfere in people’s freedoms becomes a problem. For a long time the Church and government were united in Europe, but I think that was a mistake. It led to many abuses and wars. Not that there shouldn’t have been Christian emperors and kings, etc., but in our fallen state, we humans cannot help but spoil the most sublime intentions. Every culture has gone through stages of punishing those who didn’t comply with the government’s recognized religion. That doesn’t mean that those religions were inherently bad, but rather that man just couldn’t resist imposing it on those who dissented, even if they meant no harm to that government.

There will be a one world religion, fulfilled in Christ, but only when he returns to claims kingship of the Earth. Even then each person must decide if he will bow to that kingship or want to be his own king. Kingship is a hard concept for us moderns. We have only seen kingships through the lens of the limitations of human kingship, not divine kingship.

Christ is the king to whom we owe allegiance since he is our Creator and the epitome of human virtue and love, but we are still free to reject him as our king. Doing so, however separates us from his love, for he is love itself. Rebelling for the sake of it is like a child throwing a fit because his mother wouldn’t let him have a cookie before dinner–it’s shortsighted and selfish, not having faith that our moms knows best and love us too much to let us do what isn’t good for us. In the adult version of that–let us destroy ourselves out of pique and a spirit of “me-ism.” For real love is giving a spirit, not a spirit of “why can’t I have what I want.”
Is the idea of a One-World religion bad?

I’ve seen Pope Francis speaking lately and he hints strongly at having a One-World religion. But from what I’ve read, I’ve heard that this is a precursor to or what the Antichrist establishes.

Anyone know?
Catholicism, like most religions, works to convert as many people as possible.

The logical result of this effort would be the conversion of everyone on earth (voluntarily, of course).
Catholicism, like most religions, works to convert as many people as possible.

The logical result of this effort would be the conversion of everyone on earth (voluntarily, of course).
At least with respect to those of the Jewish faith, I don’t believe “works to convert” is correct.
Any kind of theocracy would be very bad indeed for the simple reason that what would happen to those who disagree or don’t believe 100% of the religion? Would they be free to practice theirs? Would all other religions or lack thereof be banned or punishable by law? Freedom to believe is paramount and so is respecting and tolerating others with different or no religious affiliation.

When people are coerced, forced, threatened to “believe,” then the point becomes the trappings of religion – do this, don’t do that – instead of faith.
At least with respect to those of the Jewish faith, I don’t believe “works to convert” is correct.
You are correct. Judaism does not believe that its religion is for everyone. That is, some people can do just fine following their own religion. It is not a matter of salvation either. Judaism focuses on the present life rather than the hereafter, not that it rejects the idea of an afterlife. It is most important to do what one can to make the world a better place for others. In fact, G-d intentionally created an imperfect world so that we might do our part to improve it. However, Jews do invite converts, but just to make sure they are serious about conversion and realize the challenges involved in becoming Jewish, they are turned away twice before allowing them to go through the conversion process.
You are correct. Judaism does not believe that its religion is for everyone. That is, some people can do just fine following their own religion. It is not a matter of salvation either. Judaism focuses on the present life rather than the hereafter, not that it rejects the idea of an afterlife. It is most important to do what one can to make the world a better place for others. In fact, G-d intentionally created an imperfect world so that we might do our part to improve it. However, Jews do invite converts, but just to make sure they are serious about conversion and realize the challenges involved in becoming Jewish, they are turned away twice before allowing them to go through the conversion process.
Catholicism differs from Judaism in some of the aspects you cited, of course, but we too don’t just accept converts willy-nilly. People go through RCIA or are instructed by a priest or religious in the faith before being baptized (if they haven’t been), confirmed, and allowed to receive the Eucharist. It’s a process for us, too. 🙂
Catholicism differs from Judaism in some of the aspects you cited, of course, but we too don’t just accept converts willy-nilly. People go through RCIA or are instructed by a priest or religious in the faith before being baptized (if they haven’t been), confirmed, and allowed to receive the Eucharist. It’s a process for us, too. 🙂
Oh yes, I’ve been on CAF long enough to understand that. Thank you for the information.
Is the idea of a One-World religion bad?

I’ve seen Pope Francis speaking lately and he hints strongly at having a One-World religion. But from what I’ve read, I’ve heard that this is a precursor to or what the Antichrist establishes.

Anyone know?
Theocracy is is not the same as one world religion. And no, Pope Francis has said only that dialogue between different religions should continue, and no one should criticize another person’s religion.

Oh yes, I’ve been on CAF long enough to understand that. Thank you for the information.
Yes, as a long time member you sure do. 😃 CAF does have lurkers and seekers, though who may not know that. In many Protestant churches one only has to attend services or make a simple declaration of faith, especially in Evangelical ones. The liturgical ones tend to have a process for being received into their communions. Again, more for our lurkers and seekers than for you, dear meltzerboy. :tiphat:
Well, eventually there will be only one religion–Christ. He established his Church to be universal when he commanded his Apostles to go into the whole world to baptize, and teach all that he gave them. So, the Church is meant to be the one religion of the world.

There’s nothing inherently sinister in the whole world having one religion–what’s sinister is the whole world following the wrong religion, and we are quickly getting there, only the religion that’s being foisted on us isn’t one that worships God, it’s secularism–the synthesis of all the anti-religions that have risen in modern times, such as existentialism, socialism, communism, etc. All the isms that deny God and put man at the center of worship.
I wish this day would hurry up 🙁
Is the idea of a One-World religion bad?

I’ve seen Pope Francis speaking lately and he hints strongly at having a One-World religion. But from what I’ve read, I’ve heard that this is a precursor to or what the Antichrist establishes.

Anyone know?
The one world religion Pope Francis is referring to is the Catholic Church. Jesus prayed in the garden of olives before His arrest that we would all be “one”. In the end the church will win against the anti-christ
Indeed that’s the case of a great number of religions. They don’t actively work to convert anyone.
For me my impulse to teach the world about my faith as a Catholic is the same as being on a mountain and watching the sunset on a cloudy day.

I want everyone to see the beauty and truth of the Church.

I understand that people of other faiths feels the same way, though, and as such I can only say, “Taste and see the goodness of our Lord.”
Is the idea of a One-World religion bad?

I’ve seen Pope Francis speaking lately and he hints strongly at having a One-World religion. But from what I’ve read, I’ve heard that this is a precursor to or what the Antichrist establishes.

Anyone know?
I know a bit about that stuff, but I’m afraid of getting banned, so I’ll just say that it’s bad and it has roots in Freemasonry and illuminati stuff. The mission of freemasonry is to infiltrate the Catholic Church and attack it from within, and that includes masons with titles of priests, bishop, and cardinals. The third message of Fatima is becoming clearer as time passes. Yes the Church will be divided. One will follow the this one world thingy and the other will be hidden and persecuted.
Until our LORD comes back with HIS solid body, a world religion is impossible.

We as Catholics should pray for and work for a one world religion. And it should be the fullness of truth of the Catholic Church. We should work for this goal with great zeal to please God and for he salvation of souls knowing full well that we will not be successful until God wills it at the end of time. Man cannot establish a one world religion. Only God can. But we must work to that end in cooperation with His will.
You are correct. Judaism does not believe that its religion is for everyone. That is, some people can do just fine following their own religion. It is not a matter of salvation either. Judaism focuses on the present life rather than the hereafter, not that it rejects the idea of an afterlife. It is most important to do what one can to make the world a better place for others. In fact, G-d intentionally created an imperfect world so that we might do our part to improve it. However, Jews do invite converts, but just to make sure they are serious about conversion and realize the challenges involved in becoming Jewish, they are turned away twice before allowing them to go through the conversion process.
Actually, what I meant by my original comment was that I don’t believe it is the position of the Church that Catholics should actively “work to convert” those of the Jewish faith. There is always the “silent preaching” of example of course, but I thought Judaism per Pope Francis was off-limits to active proselytizing by Catholics.
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