Just reading through Abelard’s hymns. He says: “Gravis ista sanctis vita carcer est et vincula.”-
“This life is a grave prison and chains, to the saints.”
It is true? Is it OK to consider earthly life a prison?
Good Morning, Nihilist,
I have not read much of Abelard’s writings, but I will respond in a way that applies to all of us, in my view.
If I were to read about the lives of saints, and I were asked the question, “How did these people feel about their lives?” what would be the basis for my response? Well, I would be thinking, “If I lived this person’s life, then…”, I would be answering in terms of projection.
The human is completely limited by projection. Even when I
try to see the world through someone else’ eyes, it is still
me doing it.
Is it OK? If we are talking about judgment, well, I would not condemn the prison idea, and neither does the God I project

Is it OK in terms of spiritual health? Well, I would hope that Abelard eventually improved his outlook. I would hope that “the yoke is easy, and the burden light” would mean that over time his yoke was lifted to the point that he would not project such misery.
Is it a “sin”, in terms of harm? Well, perhaps. But as in all sin he does not intend to do evil, he intends to express his own misery or in this case, perhaps, encourage those who find life difficult as a Christian, to express that they are not alone.
Unfortunately, the stance does not reflect the “eternal life”, free of enslavement to our nature, that Christ calls us to. What dawned on me yesterday was that any time we complain about our lives, we are resenting our lives to some degree, and to that degree we close off our own love for the gift of life that God has given us, we are inadvertently separating ourselves from our own love of God. Of course we have the “right” to complain, and such complaint is understandable and immediately forgivable, especially given the miserable circumstances in which we find ourselves. It is our calling, however, to somehow see God in life, to find gratitude even when the going gets tough.
We can forgive God for our life circumstances.
Thanks for the thread. Good question!