Is America the new Roman Empire?

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The United States of America is the most powerful country that has ever existed in the history of humanity. Could the United States be considered a new Roman Empire?
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Considering Rome’s spectacular fall, let’s hope not (doesn’t look good though)!
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Awake from your slumber! Arise from your sleep! A new day is dawning for all those who weep. This people in darkness has seen a great light. For The Lord of their longing has conquered the night.

Let us then build the city of God.
May our tears be turned into dancing!
For the Lord, our light and our love
Has turned the night into day!
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Could the United States be considered a new Roman Empire?
IMO, yes.

Also, when I read in Revelation about Babylon falling, I can’t help but see America as Babylon. And I’m by no means the first person to make that connection.
Not hard to see America in that. Gay marriage, millions of abortions, our foreign policy, etc.
We’re going to lose our status as a light to the world. Look at the abominations that have come since! God will take away our place. Won’t be surprised if plague comes on us.
The enemy is already at the gates. The walls are about to collapse soon unless we make real repentance happen.
Won’t be surprised if plague comes on us.
America is simply in the process of filling up her cup of God’s Wrath, which will eventually be poured out upon us - likely in the form of a nuclear strike and mass invasion by the Chinese, Russians, Syrians and Iranians.
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Also I’ll add that eventually when America is crushed, it’s likely even her allies will look on and do nothing - either out of fear and trepidation, or because they themselves are fed up with America’s sins.
1 Peter 1:7

“These [Trials] have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith–of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire–may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.”

🇺🇸 While the stars remain, and the heavens send down dew upon the earth, so long shall this Union last. Even in this greatest conflict, the whole world united shall not prevail against her. 🇺🇸
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I am a strong believer in American exceptionalism. I believe God specifically established our country for a purpose. But like any nation under his direct supervision, when we sin we get punished. And if we don’t stop, we get wiped off the face of the planet.
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America is simply in the process of filling up her cup of God’s Wrath, which will eventually be poured out upon us - likely in the form of a nuclear strike and mass invasion by the Chinese, Russians, Syrians and Iranians.
I think it will be an economic collapse. We’re getting by with the help of government payouts and subsidies that are funded by the national debt. Add to this consumer spending funded by consumer debt. The decline of education and critical thinking is already taking its toll on the economy, not to mention politics. Middle-class wage earners are putting their retirement funds into the stock market bubble.

It’s all a house of cards. When it falls, it will fall hard.
God didn’t establish this country. Greed did. We are about to reap what we have sewn for 250+ years.
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Not hard to see America in that. Gay marriage, millions of abortions, our foreign policy, etc.
Wouldn’t most of Europe also fall under this category? They have abortion, gay marriage, etc…will Europe collapse as well?
Also I’ll add that eventually when America is crushed, it’s likely even her allies will look on and do nothing - either out of fear and trepidation, or because they themselves are fed up with America’s sins.
After the economic collapse, they’ll be broke too.
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No, we’re not even close to being like Rome.

I read a book a few years back which answered this question very quickly,
"Are We Rome ? " by Cullen Murphy.

Oh boy, yet another in the endless line of “America on the brink of destruction” threads.

I can understand why non-US people might discuss this topic with near-glee, but why do US citizens get such a charge out of predicting endless gloom and doom? I’ve heard every prediction in my life from secession to nuclear annihilation to “The Handmaid’s Tale” coming true in real life. Can’t say as I waste much time dwelling on the subject.
Yes it is. We are in the later days of the Pax Romana.

The US is the most powerful that existed due to our technology. But I think other empires were greater given the technology of the time.
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