So you accept what you are told without any thought? That because it is from the church is must be right? Or do you actually consider all moral problems internally as well as getting guidance from your denomination?
If you really think that’s what I said, I don’t think you read what I said:
“I use God
as the foundation upon which I base my beliefs…”
This doesn’t mean I cease to apply my reason to know what is good and what is evil. But there are some things that cannot be determined accurately using the natural law alone, and in those things Revelation is required.
The majority of Catholic doctrine can actually be derived using the Natural Law alone. Read St. Thomas Aquinas for a thorough crash course on that.
Is it always the case that what your church teaches aligns exactly with what you consider to be right? Because if that is not the case, then you are, in some cases, following moral teachings with which you disagree.
There have been times in my past that I thought, at first glance, that a teaching of the Church was at odds with common sense or reason. Upon further examination, however, and reading the writings of the theologians and philosophers who have examined these questions over the centuries, I have always found a satisfactory answer to my query.
Every time this happens, it is a confirmation of my faith. “Faith” is not a mandate to ignore the questions that pop into your mind when something doesn’t make sense. It is a call to trust in God, and for some souls, that means they don’t really need to go chasing after a thorough understanding of every doctrine. For other souls, such as myself, my personality does require that “digging”, and so I dig when questions arise.
However, I have been Catholic long enough that I’m willing to trust what the Church teaches, and so I don’t examine every doctrine. If someone such as yourself were to challenge me on a particular belief, then I would do my research to identify where my own understanding is lacking, and
every time I find a satisfactory answer. Interesting how that works, isn’t it? Almost like the Catholic Church really does have access to the whole truth of Eternal Law.