Is being disrespectful to your parents a mortal sin?

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Hey everyone. I’m worried that I committed a mortal sin the other day but I’m not sure if I did or not. Anyway, what happened was that my mom was lecturing me about something and so behind her back, I said “Bla Bla Bla” and made a gesture with my hand which was symbolic of her mouth which was lecturing me. I don’t think I committed a mortal sin but I am not sure and so I was wanting to get the opinion of other people on here. Oh and just for those who don’t know, I am an adult. I’m 37 and I don’t live under my mom’s roof. I don’t know if that matters or not.
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Not sure I would even call it immature. Just an expression of frustration. Maybe your frustration was justified, and your expression was not out of balance :man_shrugging:t3:
Several things need to be said here. Respect to our parents is required always per the 10 commandments.
You did not directly confront her, that would have been disrespectful, you expressed your frustration with her inwardly even though some “action” was exteriorly expressed, it looks like you did not want your mom to see it. Hence you did not commit a mortal sin, perhaps a venial sin, lack of charity.
No one here can tell you if this was a mortal sin. With charity, I highly recommend against posting questions about whether or not something is a mortal sin. God bless.
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Hey everyone. Thanks for your replies. I don’t think I committed a mortal sin but I went to Confession before weekend Mass out of an abundance of caution anyway.
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