I used to date a guy in undergrad seriously for several years. Then we broke up, because he was interested in two other girls, and that was when I discovered he hadn’t ever broken up with his old high school girlfriend. There were a couple of guys in my major who I liked as friends, and was thinking about getting to know better. Guy #1, instead, was completely obsessed with some other girl; and Guy #2 never gave me any encouragement that he wanted to see if our relationship could go beyond just hanging-out-friends.
So I ended up developing a relationship with Guy #3, because he expressed interest in me, and I was like, “Well, why not get to know you better and see where this goes?”
Eventually, Guy #1 and the girl he crushed on broke up. Guy #1 suddenly remembered that I was a fun person to hang out with, and leaned on me to help nurse his broken heart… but I did it as strictly-friends, because I was dating Guy #3. He dropped lots of hints, but nope, I was dating Guy #3.
Eventually, we all graduated. I ended up marrying Guy #3. Guy #1 is living with someone, but I don’t think they’re married. I don’t know if Guy #2 ever developed a relationship with anyone. My original boyfriend ended up marrying a totally different person than either of the two people he dumped me for or his original high school girlfriend, who he was cheating on with me, unbeknownst to me.
But that would be an example about how, out of eight? different relationships, only two of them ended up in anything permanent. If I had ended up marrying my original serious boyfriend, it wouldn’t have been healthy for either of us. Guy #1 and I were both interested in considering each other, but our interest was never mutual… the timing was always wrong. Guy #1 also would have preferred to have married his original crush, but they took things too far, and it cratered their relationship. Guy #2 was a good guy as a friend, but had zero romantic interest in me, and had zero interest in being my rebound boyfriend. Guy #3 and I were both interested in each other— and it worked out, and I look forward to it continue to keep working out.
But there was a lot of angst, drama, and heartache along the way.