Is being proud of your grade a sin?

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Hello Everyone,

I was just wondering about the sin of pride. Today, felt proud about my grade on the piano test and my friend’s compliment for it for a moment, but suddenly, I felt that I had committed the sin of pride.

However, I’m not so sure about it yet.

Please suggest
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The word “pride” in the English language is used to mean a few different things.

There a positive and negative connotations depending on the context.

Pride in accomplishments such as your good grade is a normal thing and perfectly alright. Pride in your lovely new ferrari, that you’ve just washed and waxed by hand is also not a bad thing. This is simply a feeling of satisfaction at your work, or at a job well done. The word satisfaction is basically synonymous with pride in this context. The sin of pride is a different thing entirely. it refers to a mindset or attitude rather than a feeling. The sin is about believing yourself better or superior to others, believing yourself immune to temptation, or thinking that you don’t need the help of God.
If you passed a beggar on the street and thought “look at that fool, drank himself into poverty…bah!” That would be a manifestation of the sin of pride.

You really have nothing to worry about. The word simply refers to two different concepts.
Thank you so much Adam.
Now I understand the real meaning of the sin of pride.
There is absolutely nothing wrong about feeling proud of an accomplishment that you have worked hard to achieve.
As Joseph Delaney put it, pride is “the excessive love of one’s own excellence.”
The fact that you took a moment to ponder if your actions were prideful indicates that you were not being self righteous, because by definition a proud person seldom realises that they are prideful!

But we must always be on guard, examining our consciences because you can take any sin and ultimately trace its roots back to pride. It was precisely this deadly sin that caused Satan to fall.

Benedicat Te Omnipotens Deus
No problem. For the record, feelings in general are never sins. It’s just an emotional reaction to something, such as a compliment. It’s what you do with the feeling. Pride is kind of something you fall into gradually by feeding certain emotions and building up your sense of self to an exaggerated level. If you were going around wildly exaggerating your skill on piano and putting down those who you saw as lesser pianists, that could be the sin of pride. But I don’t think that is what you are doing. 🤣
I was just wondering about the sin of pride. Today, felt proud about my grade on the piano test and my friend’s compliment for it for a moment, but suddenly, I felt that I had committed the sin of pride.
It depends upon how that sense of being “proud” fully manifested…

Was it a confirmation that all your practice paid off ?
Hello EndTimes,

By meaning “proud”, I meant that I was happy with achieving the score in the test and the compliment that my friend gave me.

Is that a sin?

Hello EndTimes,

By meaning “proud”, I meant that I was happy with achieving the score in the test and the compliment that my friend gave me.

Is that a sin?

If the compliment was as a reality check on your thinking that your piano expertise reached your hopeful expectations - then… In my most humble opinion - even if you did a happy dance - you did not commit a sin. 😊

On another note - it’s possible that you’re being a skosh too self-critical -
which in turn - if so - should be nipped in the bud…
Rejoicing in God’s blessings is not a sin. Rejoicing in the fruit of hard work, or even good luck, is not a sin.

God desires you to have joy and to live life fully.

There are plenty of bad trials to endure in this life! Enjoy the good days God sends us!
There are two different meanings to “pride”.

In your case, pride is justified. You are rightfully proud that you accomplished something worthwhile through conscientious hard work.

People who take pride in their work make sure it gets done correctly, and often go the extra mile to assure the best possible quality of their product or performance.

The sinful pride is arrogance. It’s egoism. It’s viewing oneself as better than everyone else.

Two different things, entirely.

Be proud of your grade. You’ve earned it. But don’t brag about it. That gets into the other kind of pride.
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